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  1. For those who don't know, the Law of Attraction is basically - "think positive, positive things will happen. think negative, negative things will happen." I want to get people's thoughts and opinions on this. This "force" that brings like minded individuals together simply because of their state of mind. I have a friend of mine who believes she found the love of her life because of the Law of Attraction. I am an atheist. So I don't really go with the whole "god and higher power/forces" mumbo jumbo. That's just not me. My mind is very logical and rational about things. But I am also very open to different viewpoints and different ideas. I had never heard about the Law of Attraction until recently, so I am still learning about it. To me, it's a load of mumbo jumbo. They try to give an explanation to it with this "it's your mentality" thing, but in reality, most things that happen are basically through sheer coincidence, and most things that you obtain is simply just through hard work. But there are people who believe in this. And that it has worked for them. That the Law of Attraction is real. But what about other people who think positively, and yet bad things still happen to them? I don't know how the Law of Attraction could explain that. I am one of those people that many negative things have happened to me, even though I had a positive outlook towards the situation to begin with. But even my positive mentality didn't stop negative things from happening. Something like this seems like something you would follow only if you believe in it. Like deities or miracles. The Law of Attraction feels no different. Me being open-minded, I would like people's opinions on this. Is there something to it? Is it mumbo jumbo? Is it real? What are your thoughts on the Law of Attraction?
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