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Everything posted by Mb94

  1. Hi. I'm doing an experiment for science where we test the effect of colour on childrens memory. Most statements I can find apply directly to adults not children - which will be good if there is a specific reason why children remember colours more... Heres our opening paragraph: Focus on the bit in bold firstly, am I correct in saying this? and secondly how can I expand on this further and more relevant to our report? Help appeciated:D!!!
  2. thanks heaps, exactly what i wanted
  3. Hi, this is what I have so far: I'm stuck. I can't remember exaclt what co2 does thats bad :S I tried researching it, but lots of crap comes up with little to no relevence to what I want. I know the the co2 gets stuck somewhere, but can anyone answer where and why (and anything else you think is relevent ) Thanks heaps
  4. Hi. I just started year 10 and we already have an assignment. This year I need to do well in Science to get into physics, so I figured I should get all the help i can for my assignments. We have to write a 300+ word essay ("response") to this statement: "Hydrogen and bio-fuels are the only transport fuels that even putatively tackle both global worming and oil depletion, and they appear to be completely inadequate to the task" The Main question is: Do you think that hydrogen and biofuels are the only fuels available to ward off the consequences of running out of oil and climate change? Your discussion should include an analysis of the hydrogen and biofuels industry as they are today and into the future, ie, what are the advantages / disadvantages of each of these fuels that us discussed in the Last Oild Shock Help appreciated
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