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Posts posted by Marshalscienceguy

  1. So, I am beginning to apply for internships, and I was wondering what the difference between unpaid and paid internships in regards to environment and how effective they are on internships. Just give a general explanation, in those regards, of the differences between unpaid and paid internships.

    I have read that paid interns have a better chance at finding a job afterwards and that none paid internships often leave the interns at danger of being abused by the company's that decide to hire them. I have never signed up for any kind of internship though. That is just what I found through my research and most sources have said to go for the paid internship. For me though if I could learn something and get paid while I am doing it that would be a great deal. This is especially helpful if you never had a job before, as you could possibly put this down as job experience and write it up as he/she was your boss. So if they ask "Are you currently working" you put "Yes for this company as a paid intern".

  2. This needs some sources else it'll be thrown in Speculations.

    We are programmed to do things when we get a reward for it. If its mentally rewarding we get chemicals saying "I like this". This is exactly how drugs get people addicted. They simply over stimulate you. However if someone does not have a normal level and are very easy to distract than in thoery they should probably be less likely to become addicted. However its very easy to see people who simply seem to have addictive personalities since these people get addicted to everything. Video-games, alcohol, smokes, gambling. It almost seems like these people are looking for an addiction. So if behavior is controlled by the rewarding chemicals in your brain would this not all make sense?


    If someone is addicted to many things and become addicted to anything that gives even a little bit of a reward and are doing it constantly they should be getting high levels of dopamine meaning they have highly addictive personalities. If someone has low dopamine they are getting very low reward and so they are not motivated to stick with most things since they dont get any kind of joy out of it. If someone has normal levels of dopamine they are probably a functional person since they get dopamine at the correct times most of the time and they are not getting a sudden rush ALL THE TIME or Hardly ever.


    So we have three types of people


    Type A: High dopamine which means they are very likely to get addicted to things even things you would not normally consider addictive

    Type B: Low dopamine which means they are very unlikely to get addicted to anything even if these things would normally be considered addictive

    Type C: Moderate dopamine which means this person has the possibility of getting addicted to things which most would consider addictive


    The idea is that Dopamine is meant to motivate us to do things we need to do in order to survive. So if you do not get pleasure in an activity you are likely to drop it. So its basically applying this idea to different things we see occurring in people. Which if that is the case people who often get addicted to several things even things you dont generally consider that addictive should be getting high reward for every little thing they take any type of joy in. If someone has a short attention span and very likely to become bored and drop everything suddenly they should be getting very low reward for it(more likely to become depressed). Then we have more well adjusted people who have a moderate level where its benefiting them but its not greatly ruining how they function in life.

  3. Well that is assuming you believe gravity is doing it. There is an alternate theory involving dark matter. However if this is not correct and its in fact gravity pulling not pushing from outside force humans and all other creatures would fly off earth, planets would most likely lose orbit, and everything would be thrown out of orbit, earth and other planets that depended on a rotation would probably have half the planet one temperature and the other side a different temperature, I am unsure of what would happen with black holes though which are suppose to be at the center of universes, oh not to mention it would seriously screw with the weather on earth since its believed that gravity does have some effect on that as well.

  4. Some people have very obvious addictive personality's. You can tell when a person has a highly addictive personality when they are constantly addicted to something. There is some people who get hooked to anything or have the same constant addictions and its impossible to break these people. There is some people who will go from being addicted to drugs, to smokables(anything you can smoke), to drinking, to hand held games. Which proves while these substances and things might have addictive qualities some people just have issues with addiction within themselves.


    High Stimulation: Very addictive


    There is some people who simply never do and lack the kind of stimulation for this to actually happen. There is some people who are incredibly bored all the time and dont have very strong attention spans. So they can lose interest in things very quickly. So unlike an addictive personality they will go from thing to thing and lose interest in it very quickly. I think these people are probably more likely to become depressed, paranoid, bored but probably not necessarily as likely to become addicted to things since they dont really get enough stimulation for an addiction to happen, and even if they do its temporary and they quickly need a new stimuli to replace the current one so they constantly have to change.


    Low Stimulation: None addictive


    The rest of the population have the potential to become addicted but are not going to necessarily seek out things to become addicted to. However probably have moderate stimulation to most things and probably have less problems becoming addicted to things. Since their brains are not constantly overstimulated by everything they come into contact with.


    Moderate stimulation: Possibly addictive

  5. Lets say you dont have enough money to transfer out of state or country for your Major of choice. So you figure you will try a community school. Will community schools have stuff like







    It seems that some majors are just very difficult to find and only at very specific locations(Colleges). Despite there being several colleges particular subjects can only often be found at the most high end colleges. So if you wanted to transfer from a community school would it actually be possible to do so which these type of majors? If you cant find the classes you need how do you know what to take in the mean time? For Meteorology can you simply take a bunch of earth science classes? for Parisitology can you just take a bunch of Bio and Chem classes?

  6. Hey there everyone. I want to know if there is any good software for animation. I would prefer the model which let me both edit drawings from MS paint or else had similar type of paint tools, as well as did it in the flash motion style where you do it frame by frame by frame. I know it takes longer but its way less complicated than trying to do the bone structure model type set up. I need something cheap that is not hundreds of dollars, however preferably not a torrent off the internet. Thanks to anyone who offers any assistance.

  7. Extra isolation from the electricity is always good but if you insulate the coil and metal core they can get burning hot.


    A better description of what you are building and maybe a picture of the device can probably spur more helpful ideas.

    I am trying to create a magnetic system that creates a light magnetic charge.

  8. If you use the wirecopper on iron nail method will it create static or no? I was told that its impossible to get static from magnets this way. What would you do if you wanted small amounts of static?

  9. I am trying to build a basic device using the copper and wire set up but I want to attach a handle which hooks up to the device. I am trying to build a type of engine. Now if the rod(Handle) is hooked up directly to the main source of energy(The Nail) than what material should I use to make you able to hold it? I was thinking of something that wont conduct the electricity or maybe covering it in something none conductive like Rubber. Any ideas? This is for personal use.. Not school project. I trying build something.

  10. How do you turn a WEBP file


    Into JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP files.


    Those 3 are accepted on most websites but there is this one site that only does WEBP file and its very hard to convert. I generally save it in MSpaint to convert it but that does not always work. Is there another way to do it?



  11. I have been asking myself all day, why do some hack?


    To hack is in my opinion, to be mean or cruel. It is stealing private information. But I wanted to ask, why hack the CIA or NSA or FBI to steal information. The hacker already knows he is gonna be tracked and get captured by them. So whats to point of hacking? If I was a hacker I would hack a bank or something really expensive...


    What would you hack or why do you think about hacking the government?



    Depends who you ask. Some have an agenda and some people are really smart and just want to see if they could do it not caring about who they hurt in the process. Which I would consider sociopathic behavior but a lot of sociopaths are brilliant. It also could be out of revenge. Like "You dumped me and made a fool out of me I am going to hack your Facebook and put up a bunch of dirty pictures that I photo shopped of you". It could be people like the group Anonymous who has been placed on the terrorist watch list who apparently try to reveal the government conspiracy's they say we are not able to see since its hidden. Some people are just really smart and like to screw around to see if they could. So there is a lot of reasons one might hack.

  12. Tends to get violent when they dont understand what you are telling them even if you explain it calmly

    Takes a calm demeanor as indicator you are plotting to hurt, destroy, or abuse them in some manner

    Needs constant reinsurance that you do not hate them which is every single minute of the day

    Is often cruel to you even when you help them but very forgiving of people which they enjoy the company of

    Will often get so enraged to them misunderstanding something or ones calm demeanor that they toss things at your head and threaten to hurt you

    Blame innocent victims for crimes that were done to them in the past(Person B, C, A hurt me in the past you are going to hurt me too)

    Are very controlling and will hurt and scream at victims but then state why they love them and they deserve love back

    Enjoys treating other people like less then human kind of the way you might treat a dog when upset with them

    Pushes people away and then gets mad when people avoid them(Why dont you ever talk to me? You talk to them. Go away you are annoying)

    Assumes everyone can read their minds.(Plays scenario in head and asks question pertaining to scenario without explaining the scenario that is going on in their brain but expects you to give the correct answer even though you dont have full details)

    Accuses everyone else of having issues, disorders, things wrong with them but refuses to admit they are wrong

    Projects A LOT

    Exaggerates everything. Like if someone was annoyed with someone will say and literally believe the person is foaming at the mouth. If you ever deny this type of things later they get upset with you since they believe you lied to them when in fact they believed thier own exaggeration.


    I am forced to deal with individuals like this on daily bases and my generally calm patient demeanor is not fixing anything in this case. I need help. Can anyone here help me and explain how I might deal with this in the future? I generally am very calm and reserved since I deal with this stuff a lot and have dealt with people with very very severe issues in the past. Generally these people are friends or family so I have to put up with this. I try to be patient but I guess my patients is just making this person angrier. I dont know how to be anything more then I am right now though. How should I proceed.

  13. I'm building a flying city currently. I was wondering if anyone was interested in helping crowed source the project? I've found an economical way to accomplish it. I'm looking to free those who want to be free and not governed by any. Let me know if you are interested. email removed


    I am not looking for people who are weak. You must have courage and know how to let go of your ego and what you know currently. Those realities will get in the way of this project. You must be able to imagine and create.


    Please do not bother me with any weak mind inquiries.


    For freedom,



    Unless you think of a practical reason for this I doubt anyone is going to help you fund it.

  14. I been trying make a perform so I could sell it. I tried using Alcohol at a base but somehow it keeps evaporating. What am I doing wrong? I thought most perfumes used Alcohol as a base and you can tell from the strong scent they usually have that there is some of it in there. Why does it evaporate? Is there something else I need to add? I know where to get extracts and other scents. I know how to make home made toothpaste, Soap, Shampoo and various other products. Perfume seems to be a little more complicated. I also heard that people generally use Alcohol as a base for things since chemicals will stick better to alcohol vs water. I also know how to make home made lipstick. If I made my own brand I can sell it but it wont stop evaporating. I leave it there and in a few hours later its all gone.


    I'm still not sure if you are choosing to have no reaction deliberately. If so, the answer is simple: stop doing that.

    If it is not a deliberate choice, and it is causing a problem, then I would suggest seeking professional help.

    It adaptive, and I been doing it for so long I dont really know how to express myself anymore, I always done this and when you do something long enough you kind of forget what came prior.


    It is not clear if you are deliberately pretending to be cold and emotionless (for whatever reason) or if you genuinely feel that way. If the latter, then maybe you are somewhere on the autistic spectrum.

    No I come across as cold and emotionless since I have no visual reaction. I react how I believe is expected of a situation not how I feel. I can be happy but it does not mean I going to hop around screaming about it, I could be angry but I am not going to scream at someone, I can be sad but it doesn't mean I am going to cry. I am not pretending anything I am just this way. What I trying to do is appear more expressive than I am. Though I cant always figure out what is the correct visual response people are looking for, so I thought I would see if there was a book. Just I dont know which one would specifically help with this issue and I dont want something that is just GENERAL psychology since that probably wont fix anything. I control my emotions, they dont really sway me too and through like most people. However this is what a lot of people expect and simply controlling yourself is not something they want. They want a visual representation of what you are feeling 24/7. Since I am not guided by my emotions I dont really know how to express them like other people. I am guided by my head. This would probably just be an act but its what is expected and if I want to avoid future incidents I must fix the problem. I keep getting told I dont care since I am not crying, or I am not yelling, or am not jumping with joy. Yet at the same time if I overdo it I am going to be disruptive and no one likes being around you when you disrupting the peace.

  17. You still talk as if the way you've conditioned yourself like the Naruto character is a great thing. You mention how it works with "overly emotional" people, implying that emotions are bad. You delight in being unreadable.


    It sounds like you may have decided, in the past, that if you can't get people to be friendly, then intimidating them with a steely-eyed non-expression will do. Again, I think it's an act, and you need to drop it rather than adopt a new act.


    You don't think you have a good personality, but that's not really for you to judge. Others will decide whether you're interesting and give them an adequate amount of comfort in your presence. It also sounds like, in a typical encounter with a colleague, you make it all about you, how you look, how you're appearing to the other person, if you're being polite enough, etc. A big part of talking with co-workers is showing you care about them and what they've got going on, how the family's doing, where did you go on vacation, all the details that can make an interesting conversation.


    Caring is often the difference between solid and hollow. Do you care about these people?

    I dont see where you are getting that connotation I simply stated it as it is. I am not very visually emotional, Most people are visually emotional, and Extremely emotional people become extremely volatile and threaten me and become angry over stuff like "Why dont you smile! Do you hate me! Stop being so cold!" Which they assume since I have no expression that they believe is hurting them. I dont understand how my behavior is really doing anything though, my lack of reaction should not effect anyone other then my self so I dont understand why its hurting them.


    A positive action should have a positive effect, A negative action should have a negative effect, a neutral action should have no effect. However somehow people keep taking the neutral reaction as a negative effect. I could preform a negative action but that would get bad results. I dont really know how to preform a positive effect since I never tried. For a long time I thought my emotions were just bad and I was told anything I feel is bad. So I tried to appear normal in order to appease people. Yet I am still very terrible at it. I treated the world like a big equation but I dont have all the pieces I need to finish the problem, so I need more data. I cant do what I feel since I would be biased, I have to collect perspectives from everyone and do what is good for everyone, I really dont ever factor into the equation I just collect the data and react accordingly.


    Christians might believe this is right, Buddhists believe this is right, Muslims believe this is right but everyone has an opinion of whats right so that makes everyone's opinion worthless. So the only correct thing to do is to do things which benefit everyone's. So instead of the differences you figure out what is the same not what is different. There is too many differences for us to say a single one is correct. We have to consider everyone or else we would be intolerant.


    I never said I was proud of anything, I simply stated how it is. I dont know why you are adding all these emotions to it that are not actually there. I think maybe perhaps you are projecting, why you feel the need to project is not something I would know though. My behavior is neutral its not meant to hurt anyone.


    Also you kind of have to think about what you are doing in a situation with another person, you dont just blindly react. So you kind of have to make something about you. You have to make sure you are considerate and polite all the time. That is what they teach you when you are little. To be respectful and considerate to others. Also Sai also does not lack emotions to intimidate people either, and he does try to appear more social around people but he is not entirely sure how to react. He simply states he does not feel anything since he thinks he doesn't. At one point sakura says he must have some emotion since he cares so much about the book his brother gave him. He knows that him being so cold bothers people and so he tries to follow the books which teach him to make people more comfortable.


    Why are you now trying to alter behavior you developed for a number of reason



    Why are you now trying to alter behavior you developed for a number of reasons?


    I ask because I'd like to know what's motivating you to make such a change. There's nothing wrong with behavior modification. But rather than trying to change your personality, perhaps you'd be better off figuring out what made you change in the first place. Maybe all you need to do is get rid of the behavior you thought was cool, and just trust that your own personality is adequate.


    Does that make sense? Rather than making changes, maybe drop the changes you made before. It would be more honest and consistent, and that's what people are looking for when they meet someone. As StringJunky pointed out, you can be quirky, as long as you're friendly, consistent, and honest. Acting superior creeps people out.


    To put it another way, you sound inordinately proud of "I tend to have the type of behavior that absolutely nobody can read", and I'd hate to see you try to put on a different personality and have that fail too. Your real personality is probably pretty great, but you don't let it show enough.


    http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/SaiWell to be honest I dont think I have much of a personality and I seem to have all the same problems as this character. In the show he picks up books that tell him how to behave correctly around people to make them feel more at ease. Even when I am being helpful I dont really appear to have much going on emotionally since I dont ever have an expression. Not that nothing is going on but that does not mean I physically react to everything. Everything in my life has reinforced this behavior as valid but it does not work in every situation.


    The issues is my lack of reaction tends to infuriate those who tend to be overly emotional. I want to figure out how to navigate around these type of people. I can always calm myself when I encounter these people but my calm expression does nothing to calm them. I need to fix it. My manners do not always work either and I thought being proper was the most important thing in the world, why else would they teach them to little kids in school if it wasn't? Apperenlty manners can not always replace social skills either since sometimes people just see it as hollow. I thought if I would become more proper than it would fix my problem but it simply hasn't. At one point I even adopted the professional "Office Speak" which is how you are suppose to speak people at work as not to upset them. I tried everything I could figure out on my own, I thought maybe looking in a book would be more reasonable.

  19. Stop trying to be perfect might help. I think a large part of a persons' persona is their little faults and idiosyncrasies. Being socially and behaviourily 'perfect' makes other people insecure because you may subtlely be making them feel inferior in your company.

    Wait are you saying my manners are the issue?


    or trying to alter my behavior is wrong to attempt?

  20. By correctly I mean how to react in a way which makes people feel secure. I tend to have the type of behavior that absolutely no one can read. There is a number of reasons why I developed this behavior but this is generally how I behave with others. I am exceedingly polite offline as well. However been told I come across as very cold even when I am being polite. So I wanted to know if there is a book that would teach you to behave correctly in each given situation which will make people a little more happy with you? Since I dont really have any kind of reaction I tend to generally mimic others and assume that is the correct response. I am trying to retrain myself. Is there any recommendations?


    Definitely not like this. It's confusing and jumbled.


    Most people who don't work with maths have a misunderstanding of what logic is. These days, far too many people treat logic as "this makes sense to me". But common sense fails us often. It seems logical that spacecraft entering our atmosphere should be aerodynamically designed to cut right through the air in the most efficient manner, but the opposite is true. Blunt designed modules and capsules provide better heat shielding.


    You should read up on critical thinking instead of logic. That's really what you're talking about here.


    So this person lacks critical thinking skills?

  22. How do you explain logic to people and why something cant be? For example there is the argument that if you cant give me the correct answer right now than what I say is not true.


    Such as they will give you a fallacious argument and say that its true and you say everything wrong with the statement and why its untrue. However you cant give them the answer to the question you just can explain why the assertion in itself is flawed so the idea that you cant give them the correct answer means that their idea(fallacious) is better than your idea that its flawed(Logical).


    This is a Dog


    No this is not a dog


    Yes it is a dog


    It can not be a dog since a dog is a mammal and this is a reptile


    So what is this creature?


    I am not sure but I know its not a mammal because of A, B, C


    Well since you can not prove what creature it is it must be a dog


    but a dog is a mammal and this is a reptile


    No its not its a dog since you cant tell me what animal it is


    But a dog is not a reptile and this is clearly a reptile


    No its a dog until you prove what animal it is


    The fact its not a dog should be proven already however they discount that since they say if its not a dog you have to prove what it is even when your statements only proves its not a dog.

  23. Are you in the EU? Maybe check out http://www.european-funding-guide.eu/scholarship/overview

    It completely depends on where you are I know here you used to be able to get some form of rent allowance which provided a maximum of €300 a month dependent on where you were and if your rent cost more than that you got nothing and not all landlords that were cheap enough even accepted it and you would only ever get it if you were a previously unemployed mature student

    Im USA

  24. Some people are full time students and go to school full time. How do they get money for housing? Is there any tricks or way to get housing benefits as a student at least till I get my first grant check? It is a private community college and is an accelerated trade program. You can get the training in under 6 months. However they dont offer housing. Its not near where I live its about 5 hours away. Is there any possible way to get rent assistance just for the first month or so?

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