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Everything posted by carrie.carnahan

  1. Thank you for the book recommendation and the article as well... Peace, Love, and Light Carrie
  2. My own being one of them. HAHAHAHA Say a 34 year old house wife with very little education was interested in quantum physics, were would she start? Any books you could suggest? Carrie
  3. I see.... Thank you again. I thought I would get the correct answer on this forum. It really is hard to figure out what is true, and what is just someones idea from various web pages sometimes. I have to say, in the last few days, I have seen some really crazy ideas. Carrie
  4. Thanks so much for the explanation Carrie I just wanted to take a second to explain why I was thinking the two might be connected. I have twin girls, their empathy for each other is amazing. One feels the other!!! I ran across a youtube video about quantum entanglement and thought, well maybe that is why the girls have this connection. Carrie
  5. Thank you so much for your reply. That article was very helpful. One other question. what is Quantum spin? Carrie Carnahan
  6. HI, (Before I ask my question I just want to let you all know that I'm not a Scientist or a student of science. Not that I wouldn't love to be.) If someone has a little extra time would you mind explaining quantum entanglement? I understand "Spooky action at a distance" hahaha... What I don't understand is how it was proven. What were the steps that were taken to come up with that conclusion? What is connecting the atoms? is there more to it then one changing the other? Ok, here comes the crazy question lol... Could the fact that we feel empathy have anything to do with quantum entanglement? I have a sucky education... One year of community college! Feel free to use big words though, I will just look them up. If this is the wrong place to post this just let me know. Thanks, Carrie Carnahan
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