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Everything posted by Meraki

  1. Oh, wow, I'd never thought of that! Thanks so much for the explanation! And yes, I shall try a few experiments! Shrimp satellites sound awesome!
  2. So last night we had baked potatoes. My dad noticed one of the potatoes rocking back and forth in the oven. He didn't think anything of it, and came back 20 minutes later and it was still going! Eventually it stopped, but started up again by itself a few minutes later, then stopped again. I did get a video, but I don't think I can upload it here. The only explanation we could think of was the metal pan it was sitting on contracting in the heat of the oven. It gradually rocked more and more violently back and forth and then stopped. I am most definately not a scientist; it's very interesting, but I am far better at humanities! I was hoping some scientists could shed light on the mystery of the rocking potato!
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