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Everything posted by stellaparallax

  1. I have an assay that measures total heme in plasma... see: http://www.genoprice.com/DATA%20SHEET/DATA%20SHEET%20open%20bio/Bioasays/QuantiChr13.pdf Does this mean that the heme concentration measured includes the prosthetic heme groups attached to hemoglobin in addition to free heme? Thanks for your help!
  2. Hi there, I'm trying to find a spectrometric way to measure Fe(IV) in solution... can anyone suggest a good way to do this?
  3. Hi there, I'm trying to find a spectrometric way to measure Fe(IV) in solution... can anyone suggest a good way to do this?
  4. Hi thanks so much for your replies. it's just in PBS.So If I added FeSO4, I'd be able to measure it fine? Does it matter if I add a large excess?
  5. Hi there, Was hoping someone could offer some assistance. I need to measure deferoxamine mesylate concentration in solution. Is there any way that this can be produced spectrometrically?
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