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  1. That does seem very much like an ad hominem argument. You have left yourself open to many questions: 1. Are human populations really not so different from each other? Against what standard can we claim that? (it needs clarification and support) 2. Is survival for humans, and has it historically been, so similar for different populations in different environments as to render this field of study negligible? 3. Certainly we should enjoy hybrid vigour from racial mixing when it exists, but can you prove its significance and also that it outweighs outbreeding depression in all cases? 4. Can you define what you mean by "racial purity" and what evidence do you have that it is a "disease" and also very unusual? Your answer seems well intentioned but unfortunately it may suffer from the same kind of ideological distortion as previous science that was influenced by racism, in your case it seems to be tainted by political correctness and a mild politically progressive orthodoxy. I will grant you that the effect is relatively mild in your case; there have been extremists who have called for an outright ban on entire fields of research which could have anything to do with racism, with all the dark historical resonance of the Church stifling progress in ages past: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/2013/05/16/should-research-on-race-and-iq-be-banned/ I think this is an area of research which has been severely stifled, ignored and viewed with outright horror. I place the blame to a large extent on the shoulders of none other than Hitler. It simply happened too recently to repoen this stuff with neutrality and objectivity. The few brave souls who ventured back into these dark areas have received very little support, funding or recognition. I think above all, everything in science must be approached with pure, cold, detached, rational objectivity and scientific curiosity. Nothing is sacred and nothing is beyond questioning.
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