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  1. Hi there, I received a bachelors degree in computer science about 3 years ago, but since I did not have any experience, i could not find a job in the industry. I have been working at a law firm doing real estate closing for awhile now. However this is not what i want to do with my life. I really want to start a job in the computer science field. Can anyone give me any pointers as to what I should be doing to better my chances of landing a job in the field. I do not mind to start low, as long as the job would teach me the skills needed to advance in the industry. I tried to refresh my programming skill, but I find it very easy to get out of practice, especially when you dont program much, as the current job is really taking alot of my time. The only programming language i know is c++ and a bit of PHH. I know its not much at all, and honestly Im really starting to forget how to program I do not know where to even begin. Should I try to learn other programming languages while improving my C++ skill? Is there any other languages that i should be learning instead? My current job is not leaving me with alot of time, but i know i need to start somewhere. Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
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