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  2. The basics of time travel is that, if moving far enough from Earth you will cause time to go by much faster around you but not affect you as much. If this is possible, than we would be required to move nearly to the speed of light. Since it has been scientifically proven that it is possible to travel to the near breaking point of light's barrier, we are most likely able to travel FORWARDS in time if supplied with the massive amount of energy required. Traveling BACK in time, however, isn't possible by current science or mathematics. If we were to increase the amount of gravity that acts upon us AND increase speed to the breaking pointy of the speed of light, it would be possible to travel to a different time. Traveling THROUGH time seems implausible, as the format of space-time or even time itself would be much too dense to travel THROUGH. Traveling to another time is possible with the maximum amount of energy we would require to reach the maximum speed we must have to travel to a different time period (that is set in the future.) Anyways, thank you for reading if you made it all the way through. It would be appreciated if you would leave a comment in response or to feed this development.
  3. If you were to put a representation of infinity of a number line, (arrows pointing in all possible directions) than it would stretch out infinitely. If it was on a 3 dimensional graph it would might as well be a solid block of nothing. Except for this! All of you believe that it wouldn't have shape because it's "infinite."
  4. Let's take this into account. If everything is in a shape, whether that be 2D, 3D, or 4D. Than even infinity must have a shape. Is the shape flawless? No. Even circles have edges, however small they are. Now let's think this. If infinity does exist, and we put it on a number line. It would fan outwards and be infinite. However, the inside of the deminsional shape, does. Now, most people will say you cannot graph infinity on a number line, yet they believe that math is infinite. So how can we not graph something that consists of numbers? The original belief of the world was that it was flat. But they were wrong. You can walk from where you are, across the world and back, and then it repeats. This is what I believe is math. A repeating system of representitive numbers that we believe to be infinite. Thank you. I have decided to fight for my theory rather than leave it.
  5. First off, I haven't claimed that my ideas do not work. I am simply saying that some math is flawed. Second off, you are dismissing my ideas without a thought to my side. How might I see things? Try that, then comment here again.
  6. Forget this site. I am allowed to share ideas, and you are limiting my speech! By moving my theories I am very upset. What if years from now my theories are proven?
  7. You aren't completely understanding what I mean. I am saying that the basics of math are fine. Addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, are completely sound with nothing wrong with them. But the higher maths are flawed in however small of a way it is. New concepts and perceptions are appearing everyday. They are clouding the true value of math. Therefore I will spend time to, not perfect, but to cleanse todays math to where it will be near flawless.The reason we can barely accept the theory that math is flawed is because we have studied it all our life and have accepted IT for the flawless mathematics we believe it to be.
  8. I completely agree, yet the basis of math is sound. But the parts we have manipulated are flawed. Though they are often misapplied, they are still flawed. 2+2 will always equal 4. 30*1 will always equal 30. But the more advanced mathematics seem to be flawed. Thank you for reasoning out your opinion.
  9. Infinity is neither a number nor an expression. Infinity (at least in my theories I have posted on this forum) is non-existing and is a flaw in mathematics. But this is but a theory from someone who doesn't take physics or largely advanced mathematics.
  10. I made this theory so I am naturally biased towards the likeliness of this theory. Although, I have studied other theories and found that the theory I have created, seems most likely to the "beginning" of the universe we live in today. If it is disproven, I am sorry for wasting your time. However, if it is true, I am happy that we would get closer to discovering the secrets this universe we live in.
  11. I believe that we are in half of a double universe. That we are in something like a ball. If one side of the ball is squeezed and there is a rubber band on the middle, one side shrinks and the other side expands. When one universe shrinks, it compacts together and eventually gathers enough energy in one place to cause what we call "The Big Bang." Once the Big Bang happens, the universe that shrank begins to grow with the force of the explosion. This process takes billions of trillions of years to complete in this theory of mine. However, if this is incorrect, how did the universe have enough energy to cause the Big Bang to begin with? This theory is likely as far as I am concerned. I encourage the commented opinions if you do agree or disagree! Good day!
  12. Thank you all very much. I did not realize I had so many mistakes. Yet I thank you. I shall revise my argument as much as I can before editing this forum. Please come back and share again!
  13. I believe that the human made math is undefined, flawed, and tethered to a system that we have manipulated enough for it to be questioned by math students. If math is based off of logic from human minds, how is it perfect? I realize that we're still developing new concepts of math but I believe that math nowadays is flawed at certain parts. If I am incorrect, I would rather be given an example why I am wrong than have people yelling at me for my "ignorance" in this topic. If you agree, please give reasons why you believe this as well. I have many people who agree that math is flawed. Now the reasons I give for math being flawed. 1. In my theories of the universe that I have shared with others, the universe is not infinite. What I mean by this is that if the universe is not infinite, how can anything else be large enough to go past the perimeters of the universe? Logically, how can there be an infinite part of a circle if that circle has limitations? 2. Infinity is not a number but a state of mind in logic, common sense, and expressions. 3. I call human minds imperfect for the reason of our ignorance and arrogant nature directed towards nature of our minds. Scientifically we were not the first "Apex predator" on this world. Yet we are believed to have the most advanced ever mathematics. But no one knows the truth. This example is more relying on the argument of science, nature vs. nurture. 4. If we can find an endless number and everything has mathematical measurements and limitations, how can something be infinity? 5. Even though the so called "endless number," Pi, has yet to reach an end we have yet to recognize the correct calculation of Pi. For 200 years ago, the calculation was different than it is now. 200 years before that it was but again different. What if 200 years from now, our version of the way to calculate Pi is but another failed concept? This topic is based off of a lot of theories and ideas rather than cold hard facts. One reason this is so, is that it is extremely difficult to base a whole different concept of math when the way you've been trained to do it all your life seems to be correct. The few that agree cannot explain the feeling extremely well. But, when presented with a possible fact, they run with it until it is disproven with facts. I am one of these people. I will stick with this theory of a flawed system in current day math until I am presented with the cold truth, one way or another. Thank you for your comments if you comment. Thank you for reading if you made it all the way through. Most of all thank you for sharing your opinion if you have, or will in the future. Remember that it is appreciated whether you disagree or agree with this. Good day.
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