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The Architekt

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    Nothing and Everything
  • Favorite Area of Science
    The Theory of Everything
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  1. 2+2=4 for a very strange reason.

    1+1=2 for exactly the same reason.

    2x2=4 for another strange reason.

    root 4 is 2 for the strongest reason.

    Reasoning skills are based on assumptions.

    Wrong assumption results in wrong conclusions.

    One is the prime componenent concept.

    Without one there is no identity percept.

    Perception is conciousness of unity...

  2. 2+2=4 for a very strange reason.

    1+1=2 for exactly the same reason.

    2x2=4 for another strange reason.

    root 4 is 2 for the strongest reason.

    Reasoning skills are based on assumptions.

    Wrong assumption results in wrong conclusions.

    One is the prime componenent concept.

    Without one there is no identity percept.

    Perception is conciousness of unity...

  3. it is only obvious that this forum is not run by professionals anymore, it is run by dumb asses!!!!!!!!!!! BYE BYE!
  4. the point of what 1 represents is here in your reply: the unit of counting or measurement BUT............. what distinguishes 1 from "all known measurement systems" ???? where does this 1 start in time and space???? where is it found in Euclidean Space ?????? what is the "origin" of 1 as per velocity and the speed of light? what is 1 as an initial state? what is 1 relative to???
  5. Giving someone a bad reputation only because they ask questions that the science world connote answer is not a climb to success, rather it is a con-game of abuse.

  6. Critical & Anaretic Degrees http://www.cafeastro...caldegrees.html 180 degree marks the star constellation of Gemini, the symbol of this zodiac is pi ratio.... Saggitarius points to the Galactic Center, Of Suspected Black Hole Region: http://www.astrology...cleus.asp?orig= I can prove this using pi and " standard" numerology now: Gemini 6 / Saggitarius 12 = 0.5 1/0.5 = 2 6 / 3.14 = 1.91082802547771 1 / 1.91082802547771 = 0.52333333333333 But again what does 1 represent, this is what I am trying to ask the science community but no one seems to understand this simple question.... WHAT DOES 1 REPRESENT IN YOUR NUMERATORS??????? The inverse? Ok what is this inverse? This is what my 1 here represent: 1 / 5.0042 = 0.199832141 This is a year 1998 of auxiliary time unit numbers. The Galactic Alignment "zone" is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 - 2016 http://alignment2012.com/whatisga.htm Whether the link above is true or not, I don't believe in coincidence... BY THE WAY INCREDIBLE ART WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://sacredgeometr...f4-145dae8cbbb8
  7. Murderator Is the same as Rapist, to Typist... Murder is a bad thing, rape is also a bad thing. Through and Through simple and simple... Moderators should not be exempt, this has nothing to do with comments, its the fact people will get offended by this, some just rather not say it... The definition of a Moderators http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moderator OH BY THE WAY CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHAT "sound" is to: Murderator they seem not to know for some odd reason, perhaps I was not clear... The staff used something I think you may find of intrest here is what they stated: Criticizing your ideas or your presentation is NOT a personal thing. It's what science does to make sure any evidence presented is sound and trustworthy. Which of coarse you made fun of me using the same word sound. I would like to see you tell this staff member what you told me about demensionally sound units and or numbers, like I explained to you and others here whom accused me of not making sense. [/modtip] this was your comment to me, remember???? If you were thinking that typing this would clear up any confusion, you're sadly mistaken. What's a "demonsionally sound values"? Sounds like something that would come out of a guitar being played by the Pick of destiny
  8. Yes I know, its called too many facts to handle. 180o rotation of the descending numbers???? Sounds like astrology to me astrology ascension right ascension http://www.astrology...t-ascension.php Oh by the way, great avator photo! Is that Yoga and the & chakras???? Hymmm http://www.mindbodyg...-Beginners.html ANYWAYS.... What do degrees have in common with numbers, remember, their is no signification to magical squares..... Right? Unless you set ratios as .05 right? or as in .5c "Lorentz transformations??????????????? Here is something to concider about this .5 thing http://www.glafreniere.com/matter.htm "E" must be measured in joules, the mass "m" in kilograms and the speed "v" or "c" in meters per second. Note that "c squared" means (1000 * 300000 km/s) ^ 2, about 9 * 10 ^ 16. Suppose a one kilogram meteorite is moving toward the Earth at .01 c (1860 miles or 3000 km per second). It contains .00005 kilogram as m' kinetic energy : b = .01 m = 1 g = 1 / (1 – b 2 ) 1 / 2 = 1.00005 m' = g m – m = g – 1 = .00005 E = m'c 2 E = .00005 * 9 * 10 16 joules E = 4.5 * 10 12 joules. So I guess then me and Benjamin Franklin have the same "quests." Franklin says he drew "magic squares or circles" to occupy his mind http://www.pasles.or...te/article.html While our leaders play dice with our future and scientist debate on new creative "solutions" hence "the old ones don't work anymore" I guess this is the only entertainment this world can offer me at this time. But then thinking about it change always causes anxieties for many... Face it, you used number theory, to prove number theory wrong as a concept.
  9. dimensionally-sound equation http://www.av8n.com/physics/dimensional-analysis.htm On another note: PLEASE KEEP AWAY FROM ME! I have already reported your very offensive name under your avatar! PLEASE KEEP AWAY FROM ME! I have already reported your very offensive name under your avatar! PLEASE KEEP AWAY FROM ME! I have already reported your very offensive name under your avatar!
  10. Was it not you that created that wonderful "decipher" of my magical square??? With vector "lines" that showed a type of measure???? Interesting, however, this is a topic on number theory, magical squares and etc, why all the fuss about numerology??? Gee I don't know, you have done a great job to insult all my posts, you tell me..... With all do respect, none have forced anyone on these topics, if they are unclear, you are more than welcome to proceed to something that is... This may help you in the mean time: Motion is always relative to something and you get to pick whatever that something is when you are solving a problem or doing a calculation. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Motion_is_relative_to_what
  11. Maybe this is why you do not understand things: Hidden variable theory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_variable_theory Particle Wave... Science still has no idea why this is. I think the relevant thing is this: Science has no idea what the EFE are relative to, So, they have no idea about the size color and or shape of anything on this planet. Communication is a design intended for those whom study the "trend." Everyone can have sex without communication, it is universal, music to is universal, art is universal. I think it is obvious that the 'speculations" are do to the fact that people seldom want to admit they may be wrong about the things they know of. Max Plank was scrutinized for his work in math models: http://milesmathis.com/planck.html Envy, Envy, Envy, wow! It is interesting how the same biasses towards numbers is not applicable to money and monetary systems when infact that to is a number theory in itself that even I will never understand.... Nothing personal as long as I know I am wrong I will always search for the correct way.
  12. What I "think" this has relation to is the center of mass like pi ratio for example What I mean about precession can be seen here as an example: 0.104384134 * 9.58 = 1 http://www.calculate...e.com/sci1.html 0.104384134*9.58 = 1.00000000372<----- you see those zeros? There are not supposed to be there. This is a precession and accuracy problem known as round off errors. Precession is defined by a systems inaccuracy and accuracy in calculations. Instead of an average "finding", some mathematics can be precise, "again" independent from the system that measures it. Again this is a perfect example: 0.104384134 * 9.58 = 1 and 0.104384134*9.58 = 1.00000000372, one is precesise the other is not. I found how to do this by the way, I am precise with anything I calculate. To bad this does no apply to "money" otherwise we would all have a dollar extra for every buck we spend! Round off errors. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/42980 So, just as zero and 1 both define empty space so does pecession in its explained form here. 1 and -1 are precession they are located in exponents of numbers. Electrons have no relation to the center of mass, but this may be wrong due to precession calculations and or functions that need an upgrade. Since the discovery of the h constant we are now far more advance, imagine now how we can be precise!!!!!!!!!! ....
  13. You must not read the entire post here, me and another member have been speaking about the "same" demonsionally sound values I place earlier..... Sorry for the confusion.. That 1 here represent a cycle of precession demonsionally sound in alpha numerics but not only in this fashion... 1 represent a cycle for x, the - 1 is a cycle that is quite large.... However, I have not seen anything close to my values given. Would you like to participate using values such as I? Thanks!
  14. What does 1 represent though? I am confused on your explanation. Does it represent .5?
  15. What does 1 represent to you guys though?? My x and my y values represent the speed of light to a precession as its - exponent.. Meaning that -1 or +1 = precession in a exponential way... Nothing can = 0 from what I know. c/ x17403623434808744+y2712253364740.28 = 1.72231803046111e-14
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