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Dark Matter and Energy higher dimensional matter and energy?

TJ McCaustland

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Dark matter and energy make up 95% of the universe’s total mass, therefore would it not be far fetched to say that dark matter and energy are higher dimensional matter and energy that has such effect on lower dimensions as attracting and repelling regular matter? Well let’s look at what we know, we know that dark energy repels matter, and we attribute to that the chief factor for matter and energy expanding with the universe along with the remaining inertial force of the big bang (expansion of space with large equally distributed kinetic force along with other forces). We also know that dark energy attracts matter and we can attribute to that an effect on the condensing of gases to form stars, as dark matter/matter ratio is 1/1. We also know that dark matter has an effect on space by “bending” it much as matter does. Now we must ask what implications would this have on mankind if we were able to control such matter, the effects would make Dr. Harold Whites IXS Enterprise project on warp technology seem like child’s play. We would then be able to create stable wormholes by creating “dark” singularities that rotate around each other with a stable barycenter, allowing us to travel from one side of the universe to the other incredibly easily. It would possibly allow us to also take some of that dark energy and convert it into useful substances, and electricity, a limitless supply of both. Now back to the actual “theory” If we were to cause several significantly dense objects to merge to the point where it cannot exist in the 3rd dimension would that object then become higher matter? Singularities being the obvious choice. Theoretically it Should work in this way, as an object can only be so dense without theoretically causing another big bang (expansion). I will not attempt the mathematics here because I am still studying for this and I don’t want to present a bogus equation, but can we cause the above to happen with discoveries allowing us to control higher dimensional matter, and are dark matter and energy higher matter? Answer below, and present your thoughts in a professional matter, not a glorified flame war.

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I will not attempt the mathematics here ...

I guess I don't know what exactly you want from us, then. Because without a model to make predictions with and to compare them to measurements, all you really have is a story. Without specific testable predictions, we just have to go by what your story says, and I am not sure that science really has anything to say about stories about wormholes just yet. Scientifically, there are equations that seem to not forbid entities like this, but those equations certainly aren't confirmed and I don't think there is any physical evidence to support those interpretations just yet. Sure, they lead to some interesting story telling, but that's just about all at this moment.

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