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Time Frame Hypothesis


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Based upon information recently shared and/or learned I would like to suggest that a body of mass is a field of particles and particle structures (atoms) that share a unified time frame. Me and chair do not share the same time frame. Niether do we swap or share electrons. I can get up and walk across the room without breaking the chair because we exist on two seperate frames of time.

I'd like to propose a thought experiment. We'll use the divisions of earth time for easy understanding. If we place two steel bars next to each other for a few hours not much will change. their independent time frames will not change much. We could pull them apart using a pretty much eqaul energy that we used to put them together within an equal amount of distance on a level plane. Their time frames will remain seperate and not "cold fusion"will occur.

If we pour salt water on the steel and give them a few months they will fuse together in their decay. It will take more energy to pull the apart because their decay was accelerated at the same time. The time frame of the atoms affected by the salt water start fusing together as a result of a unified field of decay. A chemical time dialation. The rust can be brushed of the steel bars because they are no longer a part of the orinal time frames place together.

We can "blend" the time frames of these steel bars by running an electric current through them. Wherefore they the two pieces of steel will start swaping electrons because an excess of electrons being introduced. The structures that stick together share an electrical time dialation according to the energy tranmitted from the electrical force. When the electrical current is stopped the time frame transfer will begin to be absored by the original entities.

If we weld these steel bars together then we have an instance of thermo dynamic time wave dialation and these two bars will become a single body sharing a unified time frame and a swaping of electrons becomes normal.

an electron pops in and out of a cloud of probability. This Cloud seems to be defined by the energy of time, motion, and entropy. It's as if the electron itself "frames" a unified time matrix that exists between the atoms within a body of mass.

If you heat up and pound one end of the steel bar you can deform it's shape. If you pound on one end it will not really affect the other end. The atoms heated on the one end will rust faster than the unheated ends though. Therefore the atoms heated have gone through a time dialation but is still connected to the body of mass. Therefore the electron swaping continues even though the body of mass seems to be no longer within the same time frame. This would mean that the electron travels through time to hold the bar together.

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All bodies of mass can absorb time frame fluctuations. These are rifts in the time frame matrix. The more mallable a material the "looser" the matrix.


[center]Echo Theory[/center]


I beleive that the electrons in a body of mass are surfing the crest of an echo of time (gravity) wave.

I think this is how it might work:


"Vacuum energy" vibrates the proton/s. They only move a tiny bit, but they move very fast Fast enough to cause a signifagant velocity time dialation for it's mass weight, and size.


The time dialation expands space creating an orb of distnace radiating out from the nucleous.

The "space expansion rays" are literally distance itself, space

The distance is radiation outwards, therefore it has a cone shape

This size of thise cone is relative to the energy governing the protons vibration.

This sphere of expansion is the present time for that atom.

So I call the field between the nucleous of the atom and the crest of the rods "The Flash Field".

as the cones loose energy they convert into waves of momentum.

as this conversion takes place single and/or multiple rods fly out whole. This would be a gravaton.

the graveton bounces around the border and perhaps some electrons flowing around the body of mass.

these generaly find there way back to their parent atom and record information in the quantum field.

They leave on one side of the orb and return on the other.

This action causes a distubance on the surface, where the other rods are converting to waves, and the cycle continues.

The disturbance on the surface of the flash field causes the "negative vacuum energy" pused out by the expansion to

pool and creates an electron and/or an electron vortex cloud

The electrons flow and form patterns of time frames. They are three dimensional currents defining time frame pattens in relative

shapes according to all of the time frame energies acting upon them constantly from outer and inner dialations.


The best way to test this theory would be to find water molecules in a deep and still spot in the ocean, in a constant temprature. Because gravitrons in water should travel primarily in level lines and define the shape of the ocean, along with currents, and tempurature variations.

If this theory is correct we should be able to take a sample body of water, slightly divided by a vacuum from the other ocean, and find a higher probability zone in the probability cloud of the electrons circleing the atom. A cross section of the ocean should even show band widths of electrons and rifts in time similar rifts in wood.


Every proton on earth is creating distance through time dialation. As an inward force it will cause the apple to fall from a tree. At equilibrum it will hold a satalite in orbit. As an outward force it will cause a lenzing affect on star light traveling the cosmos.

Edited by 36grit
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Time dialation is much more prevalent on a very small atomic scale. A magnet is probably caused by an unstable condition of time frames.

If the hypothesis above is correct, We should discover that along with the known causes of time dialation that there is also chemical time dialation and electro magnetic time dialation. We should discover more electrons in the "scaffolding" of dark matter that exists between the galaxies, and large gravity objects, than in deeper pockets of space that exist inbetween this scaffolding. These are caused by the same thing that causes the doppler affect when viewing celestial bodies. Shape changes in time frame momentums. Time frames are governed by the denser and usually larger time frame matrixes and their relative distances. Present time is govened by the vibration rate and distance vibrated by the quantum particles in it's nucleous. Quantum time is governed by the rate at wich the nucleous shrinks into the future.

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Time flows through the atom at the speed of light.

the past present and future are strung together

by the time flow momentum

if you walk across the room you will experience an acceleration time dialation

the time will extend from where you were to where you went and if you run and stop real fast

you'll feel it's momentum catch up to you.

gravity is a time wave

that radiates from the atom at the speed of light

the present time is like rock falling in deep water

time has to move around the proton that is vibrating slower than the speed of light

this causes a time dialation and new point in present time

therefore every atom has it's own time frame

in a body of mass time flows in paths of least resistence inbetween the atoms

in harmony with the other elements within the body

a body of mass is a system of time frames creating fractile patterns of waves governed by

the different time dialations acting upon them

if you move a body of mass from one place to another time will slow down during the motion

when it sits still again time will speed back up but not all the elements within the mass will reach

terminal velocity at the same time because some of the elements might be heavyier than others.

If you had a piece of carbon steel sitting on a table and a way of making the steel molecules transparent

and the carbon molecules solids, and you could view them in slow motion, You'd see the effects of

gravitational time dialation on an atomic scale. The heavy material falls at a slower frequency than the

lighter material. Every atom affects the time frame matrix as movement, tempruture, and weight affect the

atoms within the body of mass.

A body of mass is a "present time frame matrix". The universe and the time waves that define it are

a "past time" matrix. It pretty much works the same way and seperates our universe from others.





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