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The Veegtrón is producing the photon with his electric spark.

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The Veegtrón theory


Many times I wondered how enlightens the photon and the response I got changed photon by an Veegtrón with electric charge positive and negative.



The reason I gave him an electric charge to the Veegtrón is to verify the theory of lighting by a microscopic short-circuit this particle Veegtrón.



With this particle since discovered, explains why shines the wave out of the lightbulb or a candle is easy, what happens is the wave consists of Veegtrones in microscopic circuit shining and illuminating what we see.



To explain the movement of a Galaxy light to another, I had to say the universe consists entirely of Veegtrones in positive and negative with a mass because it makes floating planets.



If the Veegtrón has mass and energy it is likely that there comes the creation of the atom and its positive and negative electricity. It is also likely that electricity 110 and 220 volts and more are Veegtrones, there is no other place where come there on our planet but the same universe and the universe is a composition of Veegtrones in positive and negative. In conclusion when the Veegtrón brings together becomes atom and electricity.



To explain the phenomenon of light and shadow I had to use the Veegtrón. Veegtrón when in short circuit is light and when it is not short circuit the shadow.



It is hard to believe that this is the composition of the empty particle, but there is another answer: nothing can not be made of anything, the empty must have a composition and in this case I've filled the vacuum Veegtrones, who is to blame move one side of the universe waves across the universe by matter and light touch by touch of energy.



In short, the Veegtrón is producing the photon with his electric spark.

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