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The Benefits of Quitting Smoking


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The effects of quitting smoking are immediate. Quitting smoking is always beneficial. People have a misconception that there is no point in quitting smoking after years of smoking. It is never too late.


Quit smoking benefits are instantaneous and long lasting.




Quitting smoking is a challenge. Once this task is accomplished, one gains immense self-confidence. Quitting smoking makes one realize that any other difficult task in life is also achievable. It improves our self image and puts ourselves in charge of our life. It creates a feeling of self respect. Quitting smoking makes one change their appearance. Lack of oxygen during smoking makes the skin dry and develops wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. Quitting smoking makes a person look fresh and free from the smell of cigarettes. It gives more time with family and friends.




The benefits of quitting smoking pertaining to health are almost immediate. As soon as in 20 minutes the blood pressure decreases and the pulse rate drops. Hands and feet become warm due to improved blood circulation. Within two hours, the nicotine level in the body reduces significantly. The level of oxygen in the blood returns to its normal level and the amount of carbon monoxide reduces within eight hours of quitting. Carbon monoxide reduces the level of oxygen supplied to the brain, muscles and tissues. Within 24 hours, the chances of developing heart attack decreases significantly. In a day or two all the nicotine by-products are thrown out of the body. Taste buds become alive too. In a couple of weeks, the blood circulation increases and exercising becomes easier. The lung function increases and one starts feeling fresh. Within three months, the fertility improves. The density of sperms in men improves and the chances of conception in women increase. The likelihood of miscarriage or premature babies decreases. In a year, the chances of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker. In five years, the chances of lung cancer are also reduced to half. In five to fifteen years, there are no higher risks of stroke than that of people who never smoke.

Edited by Mr Skeptic
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The problem with life, as the Existentialist philosophers would say, is that it can have any point you want. So the recommendation to quit smoking assumes that the ultimate point of life is to continue it as long as possible, while most of the cool dudes you see smoking in Parisian cafes seem to assume that the point of life is to enjoy the moment with a kind of reckless flair. To summon the will to quit smoking requires not only that you focus on the health benefits and discipline yourself to act on those perceived advantages, but also that you adopt the nervous, frightened, health- and longevity-obsessed perspective of modern Western culture, which is really quite an innovation. No one was buying 'heart attack prevention cereal' in the 1950s.


There is also an important medical benefit to smoking, which is that it is a major relaxation drug used by nervous and mentally disturbed people as their preferred form of self-medication. For years psychiatrists have remarked how heavily schizophrenics smoked, and this is probably doing them some psychological good. All drugs have side-effects, and perhaps some people may prefer to accept the risks of smoking for whatever psychiatric benefits it provides for them.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest devnty06

Health benefits of smoking are rarely talked because smoking is one of the most common causes for health problems and death. However, it has been noted that smoking can reduce the occurrence of some conditions like endometrial cancer, ulcerative colitis, Kaposi's sarcoma, breast cancer, preeclamsia, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and atopic disorders such as allergic asthma. Often referred to as protective effect, this mechanism is attributed to the anti-inflammatory properties of nicotine, which interferes with these conditions. The scientists from Torn Blad Institute have invented recently that pregnant mothers, indulged in smoking, gave birth to babies with decreased neural defect risks.


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