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The changing face of science

Guest infamous

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Guest infamous

As part of my work, I am looking into possible future discoveries/advancements which may prove pivotal in the near future of mankind. To this end I would appreciate any ( and I mean any) ideas or guesses, any of you have, about the changing face of science in the next 100 years.

This could include the discoveries/advancements themselves, their political, economic or social influence or anything else which could be considered a landmark in human development.

All responses, no matter how humble, would be gratefully received.

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This is just the discoveries that I think will be profound, you can ponder them if you feel like it.


In no particular order.


Development of Artificial Intelligence that can match a human


Understanding on the inner workings of our brain, both physical and pychological. Also the augmenting of human brain.


Nuclear Fusion as a viable power source (I hope)


Cloning/genetic engineering of humans. This is just part of the whole medicine catagory, which can include things such as stem cells, artificial or transplanted limbs or organs, immunology, and extending of human life span. Plus enhancing humans, through engineering or cybernetics.


Quantum gravity


All things nanotech, ie new materials, building techniques, medical applications etc.


Quantum computing/improvment and proliferation of computers in general




Of course, as usual the greatest and most important discoveries will be ones that nobody sees coming.

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In the future, scientists will illiminate all the mundaneness of science, by genetically engineering themselves to have supernatural capacities for solving those complex formulas in a matter of nanoseconds. They will team up with aliens in the saucers to spend the rest of their existence experimenting on the more inferior organisms, including the old model of humanity (all of us average people). But there will be one of these scientists who had setiments for the 'lesser' beings, and will conspire to undermine the scientist/alien network. There will be a chaotic war, but of coarse a strain of the scientists will survive and continue there ways. Opposing forces are always necissary, in propper balance.

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