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The Phenomena of Ghosts


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the videos are such low resolution it is impossible to tell.


i suspect that the videos with the flying lights is just bugs flying near a camera with a bright light shining on them(looks exactly like that).


the one with the 'ghost' closing the fire doors, well the most obvious explanation is that it was a living person closing some doors, judging by the long coat, because they're cold and there's a draft.


but the videos are far too low quality for any leap to extraordinary conclusions like ITS A GHOST!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't believe in the ''spirit''. History coupled with psychology would tell you that as we began to show compassion or were stricken by grief over our fallen brethren we became somewhat religious in wanting to believe there was something after our stay on Earth. Physics would probably say that there is no action in decay that leaves anything that we do not already understand in its midst. Also beyond just trying to find the stereotypical ''ghosts'' named in lore and portrayed in media for all its myth and so-called principles(which is just ridiculous). I say go ahead, many facts have been found looking for fiction. That is if you wish to shyt your life away. Thousands of people, probably millions if you count people doing it for profit ARE looking for ghosts as I type (specially since its dark out and that's when they come out, on the east coast, still too early for ghosts elsewhere) and they will NEVER..well presumptuous of me to say never but at least not in their lifetime, will they ever find definitive (acceptable by all of the scientific community) replicable proof of GHOSTS.


When I die, my residual energy or torn spirit, which is trapped in purgatory or on earth, due to my lust for woman, will haunt this forum forever due to my lust for woman and will make comments like: nice tits! shake that ass! and several cheese pickup lines addressed to random people whom may or may not be female.

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I'm still wondering why the only photos of such 'supernatural' things are in low resolution. Surely this must mean something?


Half the people in the world that have a camera have a camera that is of high quality. And where are the journalists that never go anywhere without their 20megapixel cameras?


As for the religious and spiritual side of this, I won't get into an argument, it'll just draw out too long and be pointless.


One thing I do appraise religion for is it's ability to produce workers which spend their time doing nothing productive, just immersing themselves into philosophy to create 'comebacks' for proofs.



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