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Chlorine Monoxide/ Ozone


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I am trying to make ozone to react with chlorine and make chlorine mono/di/tri oxide. I was wondering if there are any better ways to make ozone besides arching extremely high voltages. Or can I use some other oxidizer like nitrous oxide or something to oxidize the chlorine. Thanks!

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Hypochlorite ion is made by applying low voltage (lots of current) to a brine solution. Other wet methods to get up to perchlorate ion. None of them make ozone first. You might do a google search on what is published on making bleach.


You have to shatter oxygen to make ozone (>2eV). If you are interested in more than a few molecules of ozone each second, you have a large gas-filled gap, which means high voltage. You get a reduction in necessary voltage by reducing the gap and increasing the frequency. But the thermal efficiency is still limited to about 4% or less in air, and 8% or less in oxygen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could make (Mn2O7) which when decomposes produces two O3 molecules and Manganese (ii) Oxide.

One can make Mn2O7 by reacting a VERY SMALL (50 mg or so) amount of Potassium Permanganate with Sulphuric acid which will produce a green oily substance (Mn2O7). Im not sure how you would get it to decompose without causing an explosion but this is how I would go about producing O3.

Before you even consider this there are several safety concerns and technical details that you may want to consider. Just check out the link before you try anything.



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I would very strongly suggest NOT using that method. if you want to make enough chlorine oxides to be able to isolate them, you won't want to use something as dangerous as manganese heptoxide. Manganese heptoxide is VERY unstable and pretty much the most strongly oxidising substance you can get. It has a nasty tendency to explode, and since it's made from conc sulfuric acid, it has an even nastier tendency to explode sending a shower of conc acid around the place. For this reason, it's best to make less than a few tens of milligrams at a time.

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