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Finding the Composition of Brass


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this is the second time i've had to move one of your posts to homework help. Please READ THE RULES


another thing: we usually ask that you not only state the question but give us an idea where you're having difficulties with it...


This is a stoichiometry question. Conversion factors are important. You will need to know how to convert grams to moles and moles to grams. You will also need to figure out how many moles of zinc chloride are formed per mole of zinc reacted. Then you can look up the formula for mass percent and plug in the numbers.


Let me know how you get on

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The one thing that I always add when explaining questions like this is:


If you're a little puzzled what a "mol" actually is. It's a number!


Just like:

Dozen = 12 - used for eggs, apples etc.

Gross = 144 - used for eggs, apples etc.

Mol = 6.022*10^23 - used for molecules, atoms


I remember that it took me a long time to understand this... because the explanation is overly complicated.

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