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chemistry fonts


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I had a breakthrough today, so after I washed my hands and flushed the toilet, I went back to my office and solved a problem I've had for some time...


I used to avoid any equations with a delta on the arrow or a catalyst when doing my powerpoint slides for teaching. Today I figured out how to do them. I downloaded a free evaluation version of "font creator", and edited the already very good RSC.ttf file which I downloaded from the RSC's website. I now have a right-hand arrow with a delta on top, and a right-hand arrow with a Pt on top.


Any suggestions for other symbols I should create before my evaluation period runs out? When it's complete I'll make it available to you guys I guess...


the only slight drawback is that you have to install the .ttf file on every computer you use the font with, but that's easy to do

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I got that creator quite a while ago, and unfortunately, my trial has expired.


But one thing that I would not recommend doing hermanntrude

is telling your students about your little discovery


because one of my old teachers used to require handwritten notes for assignments, and I would just either type them (much much faster) or copy and paste them from online (extremely fast)


and of course, I just lined my printer up to accept notebook paper, and viola, notes in my handwriting that took about 10% of the time to write



and then after someone else saw what i was doing, they innocently asked how I had done it


so i innocently told them



and believe it or not, pretty soon there was like a group of 50 kids that would just trade off doing notes for a night, emailing them to each other, and they, having downloaded the creator, just put them in their own handwriting font and printed them


so I don't know if you personally care about something like that, but maybe another teacher in your school does



it was still pretty awesome

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I got that creator quite a while ago, and unfortunately, my trial has expired.


But one thing that I would not recommend doing hermanntrude

is telling your students about your little discovery


because one of my old teachers used to require handwritten notes for assignments, and I would just either type them (much much faster) or copy and paste them from online (extremely fast)


and of course, I just lined my printer up to accept notebook paper, and viola, notes in my handwriting that took about 10% of the time to write



and then after someone else saw what i was doing, they innocently asked how I had done it


so i innocently told them



and believe it or not, pretty soon there was like a group of 50 kids that would just trade off doing notes for a night, emailing them to each other, and they, having downloaded the creator, just put them in their own handwriting font and printed them


so I don't know if you personally care about something like that, but maybe another teacher in your school does



it was still pretty awesome


I tell my students that they're completely welcome to copy if they want to. I also point out that if they do they'll probably fail.


the only kind of copying I recommend is when you copy someone's method

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