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The Gravity Time Correlation


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The Gravity Time Correlation


Gravity and Time are interesting subjects. Einstein actually theorized that they were an intertwined system called space-time. However I have a different theorization. Please stay with me for this.


Definitions are from Dictionary.com


Gravity - the force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall towards the center of the earth.


Gravitation by definition is:


1. The force of attraction between any two masses. Compare

2. An act or process caused by this force.


Gravitation is the definition that is applicable to when most people use gravity in a sentence that is physics related. Gravity is the force that causes the gravitation. It says that gravity is an attraction between two masses. Now gravity is dependent on mass and density of said mass.


Density = Mass/Volume


Mass is a way to express how much matter is within an object. Now what is matter?

Matter is a conglomeration of particles. All matter is composed essentially of energy. Everything you see is energy. You see by means of energy. (Photons)


All things are composed of energy. Now if you think about it you can conclude that the amount of energy would matter on how large your object was as well as the density. An example to make this a bit easier to think about would be the comparison between a balloon full of water compared to a balloon full of air. The weight of the balloon of water is much heavier and the balloon of air is light. The density of the water is much greater than the density of air. The reason for this is that the energy held within the molecules of water is greater and much more closely packed than the energy in the molecules of the air. The weight is dependent on the constant gravity of earth interacting with the gravitation of the two balloons. One balloon has more gravitation because it has more energy held more densely (density=mass/volume). Now you can get a pretty good compression on air but it requires different materials to hold it in the same volume. It is the characteristics of air to spread its molecules and not hold them so closely. Energy is a fun thing to observe.


In conclusion gravity comes from the interaction of particles of energy. The more energy you have in a volume of space results in a higher amount of gravitation. So gravity is an interaction of particles.


Definitions are from Dictionary.com




Time is also a fun topic as it also is an effect and not an object. It’s comparable to an idea to a real life object. Ideas are from the mind and not an actual object. Time is a perception.


1. The system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.


2. A limited period or interval, as between two successive events: a long time.


So time is the sequential event of a relation of an even that is able to be predicted. Time has been over time kept in various ways. Time has been kept by means of a sun dial. The sun dial kept a known set of sequential events. The days were divided evenly and given names to keep time. Then later on they used hour glasses that used the known flow of a material that was usually sand to keep time. Then later on people used the known and constant force of springs to keep time. They used gearing and such to make clocks and watches. Now there is an atomic clock in which uses the known frequency of atoms. There are different kinds of atomic clock systems but they all implore the same thing. The thing they all have in common is that they use a constant in order keep track of time.


So if you remember that all matter is composed of energy then you will come to realize that all time is a by product of energy. The interactions between the molecules is predictable as well as the energy in them. Time is not a thing as people think. It’s not a force that acts upon objects to age them. It is the actual interaction of molecules and the energy that they are composed of. This means that all time is a by product of particle interactions. This also has the ramification that says you cannot go forward in time or backward in time. The only way you can perceptual go forward in time is by means of natural particle interactions. We are energy and so is the world around us and the universe around that.




All gravity and time are truly woven together but not in a mystical way. They are EFFECTS of particle interactions in which all particles are a form of energy. The spectrum of energy goes anywhere from molecular structures to photons to quarks. The entire universe is a void filled with energy in different configurations producing the perceptual effect of gravity on everyone and everything.


This means that a mass can truly create a distortion in time in that it is affecting the particle interactions around it since all energy is pulled to energy. All energy affects another. Time and gravity are in the same boat but light is not. Light is apart of the energy spectrum of the universe and not an effect of energy. Time and gravity are not energy but merely a perceptual effect of it.

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Just a slight correction, since you mentioned Einstein and that gravity is a force of attraction. Einstein theories actually blew that notion (that gravity is a force of attraction) away many decades ago. Accordingly, contrary to Dictionary.com, gravity is Not a force of attraction. Gravity is the effect that mass has on spacetime. Mass Warps space and time (spacetime) - the greater the mass, the greater the warping of space time. Envision a cannonball sitting on a trampoline. The cannonball "warps" the fabric of the trampoline like the Sun warps the fabric of spacetime. Now flick a marble toward the cannonball from the side of the trampoline. Picture the marble "falling" into the depression (warping) that the cannonball makes on the surface of the trampoline. The marbles dips into the depression and rolls around and around the cannonball. As you can see, it does this not because of any attraction between the cannonball and the marble but rather because the marble is simply following a "straight line" on the curved surface of the trampoline. Thus the Earth is simply moving through the curved space around the sun - there is no force of attraction keeping the Earth in orbit around the sun.

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Definitions are from Dictionary.com




1. The system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.


2. A limited period or interval, as between two successive events: a long time.


So time is the sequential event of a relation of an even that is able to be predicted [???]. Time has been over time kept in various ways.[...] The thing they all have in common is that they use a constant in order keep track of time.


So if you remember that all matter is composed of energy then you will come to realize that all time is a by product of energy.

I remember you said that matter was composed of energy but still I don't see how you come to this conclusion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MATTER ->Molocules->Atoms(electrons/protons/nuetrons) Electrons and protons and nuetrons are all forms of energy. Even though a neutron is considered neatrual that doesnt meant its not energy. Those three portions of energy make up matter. Electrons are a huge component of what goes on in the universe. Also other forms of energy are attracted to another. Gravity though is an effect that is the attraction of those energy forms.


As for Norman...Yes that is what I said pretty much isn't it?

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