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im currently studying computer science and plan to do mol. biology masters after, im generaly unsatisfied by my knowledge about very much everything so i decided to make a list of bookz that im planning to read in the following years, so i would like you to reccomend me the best books about following:



1.general chemistry

2.anorganic chemistry



5.some book containing great amounts of mathemathics(same amount of general info like feynman lectures on physics has on physics)




9.Fiziology of plants


11.mol.bio. lab procedures


13.Algee and mushrooms

14.human anatomy

15.see biology

16.Analitic chemistry

18.Animal fiziology

19.Developmental biology




23.Genetig ingineering

24.Cell biology


26.Molecular biophysics



29.RNA biology

30.Cell diferentiation







37.human sexuality













50.computational chemistry

51.material science

52.any field of physics





and any other that u think that is importanat to understanding the world we live in.


i give my thanks in advance and hope that you will be of great help to my studies.


when i complete my list il post it :eyebrow:

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My first thought is that the topics you list are very wide and that it is impossible to get more than a superficial knowledge of all of them. Of course, I think that everyone should have some knowledge of all aspects of modern science, but the reality is that there is so much out there and there exists many different approaches to science. I am very guilty of not knowing much biology or experimental physics.


My honest advice would be to get a real understanding of a few select topics and just get aware of some of the others. As to what topics, that is up to you and will be hugely influenced by who you talk to.


Either way, good luck.

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My first thought is that the topics you list are very wide and that it is impossible to get more than a superficial knowledge of all of them.


i do not seek to know all about the topics listed, just to be aware of their aspects, general knowledge about them, just enough to be able to make a rational discussion on the subject, nothing more. :)


Of course, I think that everyone should have some knowledge of all aspects of modern science, but the reality is that there is so much out there and there exists many different approaches to science. I am very guilty of not knowing much biology or experimental physics.


ofkorz, i only seek to have knowledge to understand it, not to be able to do any hard physics calculation, create theories, or smth like that, i just seek to know about it, read a few book on the subject, not in great depth ofkorz:D


My honest advice would be to get a real understanding of a few select topics and just get aware of some of the others. As to what topics, that is up to you and will be hugely influenced by who you talk to.


thats what im trying to do, i have a great interest in computer science and molecular biology, i just seek to hava a decent knowledge about others, i dont want to be like those uneducated uninteliigent morons around wich i live and see all day, most of them know just about their topics and nothing more, like little kids not knowing that there is a grand world around them:-)


Either way, good luck.


thx, could u make a book suggestion from your field? or another book that u liked very much?;)

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That's a very big list...


What I would recommend, as someone who loves a lot of subjects too, to search for General-Topic podcasts and blogs. I personally have about 10 podcast I listen to weekly, most in scientific subjects, and there are 2 or 3 in art/languages that are nice too.


These are great, because they keep you updated and get you into a subject that is usually very broad in a focused way. From there, you can see which of the subjects within each 'branch' interests you, and read specifics.


Searching for specific books or resources on that huge list is just going to confuse you, I think.


Try looking up general-science Podcasts (Skeptic's Guide to the Universe, for example, is great, and the "Nova" science channel podcasts are too) and go from there.



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I would suggest you merge some of your objectives, for one thing. Look for an introduction to biology (text)book, and it will give you a decent grounding in many of the things on your list, for example. After reading the intro to biology, expand into the areas that piqued your interest, or that you feel were not sufficiently described. Likewise for some of the other subjects, look for an intro to [general subject], then go for the specifics.

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I would suggest you merge some of your objectives, for one thing. Look for an introduction to biology (text)book, and it will give you a decent grounding in many of the things on your list, for example. After reading the intro to biology, expand into the areas that piqued your interest, or that you feel were not sufficiently described. Likewise for some of the other subjects, look for an intro to [general subject], then go for the specifics.


:doh: im so stupid, i should have put more about the part that i want you to reccomend me the best bookz so i can do that, so that i dont waste time on bad ones;)

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