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open letter on quantum mechanics

Norman Albers

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I have written the following to H.Puthoff: "In the normal modes expressed in k-space, we write: alpha-dot + i-omega-alpha = (i /2eps_o N) j_trans. Usually we talk about the free-space homogeneous case with zero current on the RHS. I am proposing possible further mechanics by putting in my current terms as expressed in the photon paper. There I realize j= (-lambda^2 + rho/U) A. The latter quantity is a function of transverse (axially speaking) distance only. I got stuck doing the convolution integral but this should not take me too long when I get time to complete it. Why can we not construct further mechanics in this fashion? Reading in Cohen-Tannoudji, Atoms and Photons, p.30, '...alpha(k,t) can not be interpreted as the photon wave function in real space, and it is impossible to construct a position operator for the photon. Additionally, the equation of motion of alpha no longer has the form of a Schroedinger equation in the presence of sources: it is not homogeneous.' Am I not answering to this?"

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I approached this somewhat nervously this morning but I think it works out and that I can describe it to you without first composing a paper with eqs. We can write the normal variable alpha= SQRT[eps/2h-nu][omega A_trans - i E_trans]. I start with an assumed Gaussian packet described by A_y,z. Its divergence implies a scalar potential, but contributions to the electric field from this mode are longitudinal and so not involved. All you are left with is the electric field of -A-dot and the i-omegas work out right to give simply twice [omega A_trans]. Thus all terms including my current are homogeneous.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have treated the vacuum as an available superconducting plasma, but with no mass, specifically. It is accepted that a charge density in a magnetic vector potential A has momentum rho.A, usually thought of as having been caused by the ramping up of A. The Gaussian envelope shows radial dependence of the charge sheath to consist of two terms, and since charge and current densities are related as usual through continuity, we can speak of current: the first term indicates separation of charge, or current laterally, where there was none. In superconducting theory we often write:......... j=-lambda^2 A. The second term involves more the outer part of the sheath (though a linear sum is involved), and can be seen as the mechanics expected from the results of the first term interacting in the usual ways of inhomogeneous electrodynamics.

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We have no photon position operator because our electrodynamics includes no inhomogeneous response from the vacuum fields. I do no yet know how to represent quantum field polarization response such as I have dialed up from an expanded E&M standpoint, and I wish someone knowledgeable here could help.

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Are we identifying a space between particles? This sort of fundamental identification is what is important. We sort of know what we are talking about in a dielectric material. What about in the vacuum itself? As I said, the meditation is, what is epsilon-nought?.................................................................................................................... ...................................................ALBERS to PUTHOFF: Have you convinced yourself of what epsilon-nought is?

PUTHOFF:Yes. For a medium (say a crystal) you have D = eE = e_oE + P = e_oE + aE where a is the polarizability per unit vol of the crystal. This makes it clear that e_o is the polarizability per unit volume of the vacuum (due in this case not to actual charges like in the crystal but due to virtual electron-positron pairs in the vacuum). See my attached paper for discussion of this.

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I recently posted the following dissertation in 'Do You Have A New Theory?' I hope consequently that it is not disqualified as a 'double post', since it's propriety here as it relates to the issued 'open letter' regarding quantum mechanics may redeem itself.


Professor Paul Dirac's proposed anti-particle (electric charge, referred to as a 'particle') and its proposed explosion upon contact with a conventional 'particle' (electric charge), may be an ongoing event constituting the status quo of reality as we experience it...


Consider a sphere such as a macrocosmic planet, the sun, or a microcosmic system such as an electron 'particle' (electromagnetic charge). Each generates a familiar, spiderweb shaped electromagnetic field, wherein the magnetic portion of that field emanates in a northerly direction from the north pole of the issued sphere, loops around it in a circular motion which suddenly is traveling in a southerly direction upon reaching and passing the ecliptic middle of the issued sphere.


Whereupon the continuing loop completes a full circle around the planet, sun or electron that generates, maintains and sustains it; said magnetic field then entering the southern pole of it's given system of origin (planet, star, electron) to resume a northerly direction through the axial center of and relative to the polar system at issue. This described dynamic represents an ongoing cyle of magnetism generated by and emanating from, around, and back into the system that generates, maintains and sustains it. The sphere itself, en toto, is stablized by a magnetic field which is constantly moving in opposite directions - northerly out of, then looping around to a southerly course, and back into and through the core of the issued spherical entity in a northerly direction, ad infinitum.


The reverse of directions - from north to south - occurs at the ecliptic (equatorial bisection) of the issued, spherical electron, planet or star Each given system is also emitting electrical energy in straight lines at right angles from the ('particle') system that the circular magnetic field is parallel to. These magnetic directional reversals and electric discharges may causatively correspond to the occurrence of observed - right angle emitted - quantum emissions.

In the four dimensional setting that Einstein has assigned to all material systems; these two (northern and southern) hemispheres are bonded with while oppositely interacting with each other ('as anti-particles'), apparently resulting in the Dirac-predicted explosion, constituting nothing less than the omnidirectional expansion of 4-D systems; not excluding the relativistic consideration that mass value increases with velocity.


(Thank you for reading this missive.This is an unprecedented interpretation of the combined work of Dirac, Planck and Einstein, by K.B. Robertson. More will be said about this later. Constructive criticism, contributions and commentary are respectfully invited. http://forums.delphiforums.com/Kaiduorkhon's forums.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have solved the normal mode equations assuming a photon charge/current sheath where current [math]j_{y,z} =4a^2(1-a^2r^2)A_{y,z}[/math]. Here a is the envelope distance scale and is taken as [math]a= \alpha_{fsc} k_o[/math], and [math]k_o[/math] is the photon wave vector. One does not have to write out the actual Fourier transform of the A field since the normal mode equation is homogneous and is written: [math] d\alpha/dt + i\omega\alpha =-2i\omega_o[\alpha_{fsc}^2 + (k_y^2+k_z^2)/ k_o^2]\alpha[/math]. The RHS adds terms to the frequency expressed on the left, the first of which is small. The second term is large for components manifesting [math]k_{y,z}[/math] and shows high phase velocities for these. If we consider the "effective omega" as the sum of terms we can then look at group velocity, [math]d\omega/dk= c[1+2\alpha^2-(k_r^2)/(k_o^2][/math]. I welcome help to understand what this means. The normal mode function [math]\alpha=(2\epsilon_o \omega/\hbar)^{1/2}F.T.[A_{y,z}]_{trans}[/math].

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Dear Mr. Alber:

I have been energetically advised by a host of SFN subscribers (and others) to ask you for your consideration of the following poetic rhythm and rhyme approach to the extensive and complex subject at issue - in contrast to your impressive mathematical approach. Though this request is not without some sense of levity, I sincerely request your serious attention and response as it may be a paradigm shift to further inspire your respectably ongoing efforts, like yourself, I welcome help to furthermore understand what this means:


Space-time Gravity Is The 4th Dimension


Asked the teacher what gravity was, an' all he said is what gravity does. Said I wanna know why, not how things fall. Teacher said nobody knows that one at all.


Asked the people on the 6 O'Clock news; they said on that we have no views. Same thing happened in a physics lesson - a picture of Newton gave a puzzled expression.


Still wanted to know what gravity is, so I went outside and continued the quiz. Asked a mathematician and he took all day saying gravity is numbers. So I lit one up and, went into suspension, tintanambulating beyond the 3rd dimension. The answer appeared as a gentle kiss, so I wrote another poem and it goes like this...


Poetry for all times and places, poetry for all rhymes and spaces. Where are the dimensions and where are they not, boundless dimensions of color and thought; infinite dimensions of cold and of hot. But countless dimensions of space there are not.


Dimensions of music, of wine and of thee, of these there are many, but of space only three. A 3-D you anna 3-D me, munching 3-D apples from a 3-D tree. 3-D up an' 3-D down, 3-D apples to the 3-D ground.


3-D east an' 3-D west, Sir Isaac Newton did his 3-D best. 3-D universe, 3-D math - 3-D projectiles onna 3-D path. 3-D smooth and 3-D rough; 4-D Einstein singin' "Three ain't enough."


4-D amplifier and 4-D gear, singin' 4-D lyrics into 3-D ears. 4-D guitar an' 4-D strings. Albert's 4-D song about 4-D things. 3-D professors onna 3-D jag, stuffin 4-D physics in a 3-D bag.


If yer lookin' for a message in here, it's of 4-D headaches from a 3-D beer. 3-D professors tellin' 3-D lies, gettin' 3-D money for the Nobel Prize. 3-D scientists onna 3-D pension, refusing to recognize, space-time gravity is the 4th dimension.


(Variations on this vignette appear elsewhere on the net. Copyright 1979, by K. B. Robertson. All rights reserved. With proper accreditation, may be reproduced for educational purposes.)

Dear Mr. Alber: R.S.V.P. Thank you for reading this missive.

Sincerely, K. B. Robertson

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In the quotation with which I opened this thread, the last point was perhaps not relevant, as it refers to "particle sources". This does not affect my larger thrust of investigation into the essentially entwined enitites of photon, electron, and vacuum fields. By allowing the vacuum to manifest inhomogeneous response we get an equation for normal modes which is homogeneous.

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