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the speed of light,c, is the speed of light in a vacuum. I could slow light down to 3000 m/s simply by passing it through a medium with an appropriate index of refraction.



so, for light to be slowed down to 3000 m/s we would need the index of refraction of [math]n=3*10^5[/math].


If there is a medium with an index that large I don't know but it doesn't seem like that big of a deal.


If however the idea is how would this would chane the world or relativity, I would say that changing c would only work if we changed the length of a meter because everything we observe must still be true.


If we assume that what we would observe would change by decreasing the value of the speed of light this would result in the creation of more black holes like insane alien said.

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One must not forget that the speed of light is a DEFINITION. If the speed of light in a vacuum were "slowed down" to 3000m/s, then the unit of meters would represent something different, not the speed of light. (a meter would thus be a much longer unit of length).

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