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guess work

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someone said earlier that we should know more about space before we should travel through worm/black holes but surely there is no way to simulate the same ammount as gravity there is in a black hole right the accesleration would have to be huge... infact what is a worm hole and does anyone know that they exist or is it like black holes we know they are there because of the effects they have on the gravity.


also whats all this hyperspace stuff that they talk about on movies like star trek


sorry i'm a bit :lame:

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the theory behind the last part "hyperspace" I can offer the little I understand about it`s details.


get a thin strip of paper, put the letter A on one end then the letter B on the other.

In normal space we start at A and travel the length of paper to get to B.

now make the paper into a loop like a letter C.

now the distance between A and B is closer, the GAP between them where A and B almost touch, is the "Hyperspace".

and that my friend is the limit of my understanding :) but it`s a usefull model non the less :)

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