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Posts posted by Philpense

  1. Have a few tubes of Construction grade Silicone... 100% Might like to do some projects one of which might be to create shapes and forms through liquification. Would hope that the silicone, once formed can be returned to its original consistency. Guidance sought

    • Have a modest background in molecular biology and presently considering a project that requires some knowledge of botany. Specifically, I seek details on the epiphytic relation between the microbe pseudomonas fluorescens and flowering plants such as the orchid and rose.
      • What would be the relationship? Commensalism or Mutualism?
      • What is the nutrient source for Pseudomas? Life Span?
      • What becomes of the metabolic end products from Pseudomonas?
      • Does the plant alter its surface properties to accommodate Pseudomonas?
    • Much thanks for any guidance in this regard as I await reply. I close \\
    • Respectfully


  2. Would like to generate a short list of the leading marine microbes for oxygen and/or ethylene generating microbes. Aware of the Genus Synechococcus but would like to include other potential candidates. As for ethylene production there is a synthetically produced microbe PCC 6803 whose documentation is found at: http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/7/1/33 Have no way of knowing if there is a competing microbe for comparison.


    PCC 6803 was engineered at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Also seeking guidance on the protocol for using a microbe from a government agency for another purpose. Informed guidance sought.



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