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Posts posted by EricRainbolt

  1. Well, I just ask that if anybody wants to find out the truth that they turn off their boob tube and use the newspapers for their bird cages only, and explore sites such as http://www.threeworldwars.com http://www.illuminati-news.com , http://www.bilderberg.org/ , and http://www.educate-yourself.org or just go type in the keywords "New World Order" in google before the Feds buy out those keywords and flip to the 10th of 15 page listings. The black swirling sun sign is rising again, this time globally, it's time to wake up and open eyes, there are rich globalists everyone and they would like to get rid of many Amero and Euro pee-ons. As long as this thread remains, that's really all that needs to be said by me personally. I care about everyone out there that loves truth and hates being lied to, for nobody should be deceived without their knowledge of it. -ejr

  2. Dr KELLY's watch was also stopped at 11 mins past nine.....now that is really spooky.Go check it out !!!

    jeez NWO


    Sir, are you being serious about that? All the dates and times I quoted in this article are accurate. Let's not make jokes, especially in light of the Dear and Honorable Dr. Kelly's death. He was only doing the right thing, doing his job. He contended against the entire British government that there is no evidence of there being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He was right. His last email details that he planned on returning to Iraq. He was no man to take his own life. He knew his life was too important to the cause of truth and exposure of international bio weapons programs. There is fine documentary, his last interview for download on http://www.thoughtcrimenews.com. And you were right about one thing, there was no blood found near his body in the woods, when it was alleged he slit his wrists. An excellent resource for Diana's and Dr. Kelly's death is my friend Paul Watson's portals, http://www.propagandamatrix.com and http://www.prisonplanet.com The hot topic of today is the recent obvious murder of Pultizer prize winning investigative reporter and author Gary Webb chalked up also by police as a 'suicide', who recently reported that he is being followed and his apartment had been searched. He was a lead investor into CIA drug/cocaine trafficking. He was planning on moving out his two story apartment the next day. More information on that is at http://www.rense.com

  3. Well Aardvark, the best evidence you or anyone could ask for is the plethora of books on the topic at amazon.com (over 100 book and authors) Select Books, type in "New World Order" or "illuminati". Also, just think about it. If a private bank called the Federal Reserve prints the money (out of thin air) in America, do the owners of such a private bank have an interest in doing that secretly? A good book on the topic is "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustance Mullins. The first comprehensive book on the new world order is Ralph Epperson's "The Unseen Hand" (c-1985) and his updated volume "The New World Order" - both are available at amazon.com. Ralph Epperson is a tenured university professor. Ralph Epperson concludes in his book:



    I am frequently asked by students of friends who agree with me that the Conspiracy exists, why I believe I am allowed to continue teaching and writing about its existence. They cite the deaths of Abraham Lincoln, James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and Louis McFadden, among others, as evidence that those who expose the Conspiracy do so at their own risk.

    I have no answer to that question.

    I can only say that I am absolutely convinced that the Conspiracy exists and they they have a great deal to gain by the death of one who has figured it out.

    I live in Arizona where a few years ago an investigative reporter has his car blow-up as he started it because he was reporting on corruption in that state. Why his enemies picked on him, and why mine have chosen not to pick on me, I do not know.

    I will emphatically say this: if you hear about my car exploding because I rigged it so that it would explode, or that I suddenly 'attempted to fly' from the top of a sixteen story building, please accept my pre-death statement: I didn't do it!

    If either of these circumstances occur, or any other mysterious thing happens to me, all I can ask is that you double your efforts in exposing this conspiracy.........in my memory, the author


    On that note, I will publically state that I will never commit suicide either... Nothing in this world would make me commit suicide or harm anyone for that matter.


    If you love truth then you will help others become aware of it. Once in a few generations or so, the People have to stand up against deception and tyranny in government. This has always been the case in history, and forces of greed and corruption never stop re-occurring. Just like the many members of this entire forum have a hard time agreeing on anything in harmony, the criminals in government have a hard time stopping their group-condoned corruptions.

  4. Well a tin monkey, I would suggest that you now go invest in a box of adult sized diapers, because it is real:





    and it is hidden is plain sight. That is why the internet is likely to be crippled soon to also be blamed on brown people where the next major set of oil fields are.


    Al-qaeda does not really exists in an organized form. It means "the base" but it doesn't really exist. "al-cia-da" does. They work for the big international banking outfits and elite families and do everything they please, so does the controlled media.


    BTW, did you see Fahrenheit 911? In there is a clip of Bush standing at a podium in front of a whole room of seeimingly unfamous people in penguin suits and overpriced dresses. He states "Some people call you the elite... I just like to call you 'my base'". they all laugh... that's about as close as Michael Moore got to tell you the whole truth. When questioned why he didn't tell more truth in his movie he was quoted as saying "Because that would be Unamerican."


    The video clip is at http://www.freepressinternational.com under the 911 archives.


    Good luck enlightening others of this. The Alex Jones radio show covers this as

    well. You can log onto the stream at 11am-2pm daily at http://www.infowars.com and http://www.m2ktalk.com


    This thread is is the right forum, because this is what *politics* is all about, profiteering.

  5. I admittingly don't have much experience in these forums. Is the purpose of these forums only for others to try to disprove what another is mentioning? Do agreements ever occur? Are new techniques developed? Are new inventions or new directions in thought ever ever born: mechanical, electrical, or political? Is concordance ever achieved or does the least common denominator rule supreme? If people aren't at all disturbed that 9-11 occurred exactly 11 years to the date and hour of his father's speech calling for a New World Order, than I can only suggest that such people deserve what is being planned for them next by their zookeepers.

  6. Ok, I love to respond - but I initially thought #12 was already answered in #11. The events that contain the number "11" prominently are events that generated much fear (9-11) or global suspense (Apollo Eleven). So obvious is it now why a "11 hour hold" was declared at the T-minus 9 hour launch clock for the Apollo 11 mission. There is something at work helping to assure that major events in the world are associated with the number 11. That is clearly evident - or else it wouldn't be worthwhile mentioning. Do any others numbers work? No. "9" is significant in how it is used in 9-11 for instance, but less significant in being used in 1xxx dates. We no longer are in the 1xxx time period as well. "11" only appears normally as a 1 out of 30 opportunity. There are only two 11 multiples in a month, 11 and 22. Most large events have happened on the 11th of 22nd however, that is the point of this investigation.


    Here are some more points to ponder. Are any scientists/mathematicians available here to correct this elementary starter math contained in this rough draft analysis? Yes, it is indeed quite rough - but it is not difficult to see in this sketch that there is a distinctly prominent over-use of the number "11" throughout these major dates.


    This report is to trace and calculate the probability of a certain number appearing repetitively in a string of events; in this case globaly recognized days of frightfullness, suspense, or antipication. In this analysis the world's largest attention getting events and their associated dates are analyzed. On the surface, the number '11' has has occurred with the highest frequency on days asscociated with producing the most fear or anticipation in society. Few large scale manmade events were omitted, this analysis contains the majority of globally recognized dates and events. Any omissions were not to affect the results, together we are fully aware of the biggest dates in our history. The following shows that the number '11' has been obviously chosen in a premeditated fashion for the bulk of these dates. The conclusion of this begins to explain who, how, and why. It is critical that the great many of us recognize that we have been manipulated on a grand basis and our history has been entirely adulterated by an ongoing conspiracy directed by the world's weathiest and powerful organizations, familes, and individuals at the highest levels of it. This is the lasting conclusion. There is no other greater and logical explanation.


    As we begin, a review of basic probabilities is stated here. If you have a stack of 30 sequentially numbered and shuffled cards, the probability of pulling out the '11' card would clearly be 1/30. If you have a stack of 12 cards, the probability of pulling out the "11" card is 1/12. So, if you have two stacks of shuffled cards, one 30 tall and the other 12 tall, the probabililty of pulling out both at the same time would be (need to verify the proper statistical equation with an expert.)


    We are going to underestimate when any uncertainty arises and intentially increase the probability that this string of events may just have occurred accidentally or naturally.


    Major events of our world history invoking the whole world's attention:


    1) WW I: What was the natural chance that World War I ended on 11/11/1918 at precisely 11am?


    Since it is the beginning of this timeline probability analysis let's just give it the benefit of the doubt here and say these odds of this occuring were only 1 out of 11. : Probability Score ---> [1/11]


    * World War II started on Sept 1, 1939 when Hitler's 3rd Reich army blitzkreiged across the German/Poland border by surprise ravaging communities of people along the way. It lasted about 6 years and officially ended on May 8th, 1945 (VE day) - so we'll just give WW II a neutral factor of (1 out of 1) or 1 since there were no obvious "11"-specific associations of relationships in these state or end dates. : Score ----> [1/1]


    2) The next big day in the history of the New World Order occurred during the highpoint of the Cold War, a close nuclear confrontation between the East and the West, sending the largest wave of fear around the globe on October "22"nd, 1962, the evening of Kennedy's hairaising speech on the matter. The confrontation is said to have lasted "13" days. As there are two distinct possibilites for an "11" date to occur each month, the probability factor given here is 2/30 or 1/15. : Probability Score ----> [1/15]


    3) Then 13 months later, or "1" year and "1" month later, on "11"/"22"/1963 Kennedy is shot principally from a assassin sniper hidden within the grassy knoll. This occured in the masonic Dealey plaza in Dallas in the middle of the 33rd parallel. This sends the world into a long-term mourning over his death as he was a president most Americans genuinely liked and admired for his courage, honesty, sincerity, and vigor despite his noticable drawbacks such as his promiscuity outside his marriage. A factor of (1/12) is given for the month, and (1/15) for the "22nd". We'll just nullify the fact that this occured on the 33rd parallel. : Probability Score ----> [1/12][1/15]


    4) The next big event to affect the whole globe was the Apollo "11" mission that was made to appear to the world's spectators to go to the moon and back. Oddly, at exactly the T minus 9 hour countdown, a precise "11" hour hold was commissioned. (Perhaps the first 9 and 11 sequence to hold the world in much suspence and anticipation. ) The other two most famous apollo missions were apollo "7" and "13". The chance that "11" was the most famous flight number (1/11) We'll just ignore the fact that an "11" hour hold delay given at exactly T minus 9 hours. : Score ----> [1/11]


    5) The next big event everybody around the world watched together was the removal of the Berlin Wall on "11"/9/1989 (1+1+9=11), allowing the first people to freely cross at exactly 6:30pm. 5 months and 2 days later, on April 11th, 1990 Mikhail Gorbechev commented on the event stating "We are only at the beginning of shaping a New World Order." Month factor: (1/12) Mikahail's subsequent statement on the 11th (1/15) : Score ----> [1/12][1/15]


    6) The next big event to get all the world's politicians listening at least occurred exactly 5 months later on 9/11/1990 when Bush I gave his infamous "Toward a New World" speech before Congress. "Out of these troubled times we can see a New World coming into view. It is more than one small country [the US], it is a BIG IDEA, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause..." This wasn't played to the public on the nightly news, but it was assuredly seen all over the world by the various governments. (1/15) given for the "11"th of the month. : Probability Score ---->[1/15]


    7) On the 19th anniversary of the "United Nations International Day of Peace", the biggest event that more people paid attention to at the same time than any other, exactly 11 years to the day and hour of the Bush I speech, Flights 11 (92 fatalities - 9+2=11), and Flight 175 (1+7+5=13) (65 fatalities - 6+5=11) were guided into the WTC complex, the world largest freestanding "11". The first plane crashed in at 8:46 (8+4+6=18=6+6+6) and the second crashed into to the other tower at 9:02 (9+2=11), Flight 77 was made to appear as if it hit the pentagon (but 0 parts of a 757 plane were ever found at the crash site nor any luggage or remains of the passengers) at 9:37 (9+3+7="19") In the evening presidential address Bush I calls for a period a national mourning that lasts 11 days. Four days later, one fireman was symbolized as a national "hero". The most likely reason he was picked out of all 343 firemen who perished and all the rest? Bob the fireman's hat number was 164 (1+6+4) = "11". Bush later thanks Bob through the television during a press conference, stating "By the way, I wanted to thank you Bob... you help me become famous that day." As that become one of Bush's key propaganda photos in the various maganzines/newspapers. UN Int. day of Peace factor (1/365), 11 years exactly to the day of Bush II's father's speech where he stated "out of these troubled time we can see a new world order coming into view..." (1/365x11 = 1/4015) Note: Each building as "11"0 stories tall, forming the largest standing 11 in the world. NY was the "11"th state of the original "13" colonies. 9-11 is the 254th day of a typical year, 2+5+4=11, leaving 111 days remaining. There was "19" dummy decoy hijackers used. We'll just ignore the other multiple "11" occurances here(dozens more not listed). : Score ----> [1/365][1/4015]


    8) On Sept 22nd, the day of the end of the mourning period, Congress is presented the "Patriot Act", apparently all 500 pages pre-written before the attacks. Congress votes on it nearly unamimously with no congressman admitting they actually read it, with a few complaining they had no time to read it before being forced to vote on it. Congressman Ron Paul of Texas, being the most outspoken in dissent to quickly passing liberty impinging legislation was one of the very few who voted "no". Bush I begain his executive arm power grab of new federal police state powers. Date factor (1/15) : Probably Score ---> [1:15]


    9) Exactly 3 months and 11 days after the attacks, the WTC complex was "illuminated" by an array of 88 floodlights(8x11), 4 groupings of 11 lights making a square times 2 buildings. This made the tallest "11" ever created by man. The whole well world watched in awe, not knowing they are witnessing an illuminati celebration ritual that lasted exactly 33 nights, with the lights going at at "6:3"0 and off at "11":00 each night. Lights: (1/88) # of nights: (1/33) off at 11:00 (1/1 - seems typical enough to turn them off then). Probability Score: ----> [1/88][1/33]


    10) On the 1 year anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, the new York lottery balls came up "911". The Chicago based S&P Fortune 500 future's index opened at exactly "911.00" as well, closing the previous night at the number. Lottery probability: (1/1000) S&P # probability (1/10,000) Probability score: ----> [1/10,000,000]


    11) Exactly 911 days after 9-11 multiple train bombs kill 202 in across Madrid

    Spain on March 11, 2004. (1/15)(1/911) Probability Score: ----> [1/911][1/15]


    12) General Tommy Franks, presenting his new book: American Soldier admits on Fox's Hannity and Colmes on 8/3/2004 (8+3=11) admitted that he told some colleagues that he forcasts the WTC collapsing in the near future. A video clip of this is available on(http://www.freepressinternational.com) Score (1/18) {1..9 + 1..9 max 18 dived by 2 as the number can be reversed} Probability Score: [1/9] (this will not be used unless another argues that it should be used.)


    13) More recently, on 11/11/04 Yasser Arafat is suspected of being poisoned by his political oppositon in Israel. He was diagnosed dead at precisely "3:3"0am. Six hours later, the United nation's WHO (World Health Organization) met to discuss the planned release of a deadly Influenza-A plagues (previously known as the Spanish Flu that killed over 30 million Europeans in 1918). The live virus reportedly has been unearthed and refined in British and US bioweapons labs/plants. Using the before mentioned period of 3 months and 11 days used in the WTC light ceremony, the antipicated date for the release of plagues on humanity by the terrorist puppetmasters is 2/(22x11)/05. {As a side note: This is also the 1260th day past 9-11. The end-time prophecy in the book of Daniel states that an "abomimination that caused desolation" will be set up on that day. 45 days later is the 60th anniversay of VE day, May 8th, 2005, and also the 1335th prophetic day. This day happens to be "Ascencion Sunday" to the many devout Christians worldwide who honor and celebrate this day. Notably, the prophetic 1290th day (or 3 1/2 year mark) is the day of another worldwide abomination set to occur. If added onto 9-11, this happens to be March 24th, 2005. (3/(2+4=6)/05), Holy Thursday of the Last Supper. Daniel states all prophecy will be completed after "a time, times, and a half a time". The author of this report is a believer and also believes that this may be the year 2005 - as the last time mentioned may be interpretted as one decade/2. However, end-day prophecy is strictly a matter of personal interpretation. }


    Arafat: (1/12)(1/15) + WHO pandemic conference (1/12)(1/15) =

    Probability Score: ----> 2 x [1/12][1/15]


    Back to the oceans of "11"s in the above New World Order event timeline let us also keep in mind that "11' is considered to be the most powerful of all numbers to satanists and the occult, more significant perhaps than the 2 horns of the devil itself. Just ask any numerologist or defector from the illuminati hieracrchy or search for this knowledge on the internet - it is posted by multiple authors. To people who interpret biblical prophecy, 11 is the number representing the rise of the anti-christ, who is said to arise as the 11th horn of the beast (Daniel 7:8) or the last charismatic "master of intrigue" leader to arise from a 10-nation superstate that is to form shortly into the future, such as the Commonweath of the European states has recently structured itself or the 10 regionized zones designated by the UN.


    Calculating the probabilities, giving the benefit of doubt in many cases, all summed up the odds of "11"s occuring nearly throughout the entire timeline of the world's biggest of global events is astonishing.


    So, all things considered there was only a approximate 1/(16617 x 10^9) chance that a single number such as "11" would occur so prevelantely by nature's mathematical law involving the major dates of world recognized events leading up to today. It is way too extreme to pass off as some unusual coincidence, and the ramification and implications are enormous for humankind.


    Is this just an extreme numerical oddity? - or are there really forces that are fond of the number '11', apparently conducted as a prolonged ritual to summon their anti-christ, orchestrating this from behind the scenes; the so called 'illuminati' controllers, if you will? This can only be the most logical answer.


    Brotherly regards,

    Eric Rainbowlt

    Austin Texas




    p.s. Obviously the above stated number should be made more accurate by utilizing a more advanced statistical modelling technique. Who out in our community has such expertise? Please volunteer your talent without delay.

  7. Dear fellow hyper creative Friends,


    One of the most amazing dreams occurred to me, it has nothing to do with this thread, but I'll correct that in the next paragraph. I just have to tell somebody about this. I was so focused into numerical date research late last evening, that I needed an escape from it. In a state of lucid dreaming, where I could control my dreamstate, I imagined I had a little device, the tiniest most amazing device I ever held in my hand (while dreaming - but it sure seemed real.) This device had only 4 buttons, and when operated near a TV it somehow captured broadcast digital cable and transmitted it to the TV in my dream room for viewing - in other words it was the ultimate remote - so I was actually watching TV flipping between all the random channels - and I was literally watching dream-TV - it was so real. When I flipped, it might have been a spanish station - complete with subtitles. In my dream I was most amazed by this device, but after I fully woke up (and I didn't want to - this was a state of lucid dreaming where I could decide to fully wake up if I wanted to) about 2 hour later, I felt as if I was channel surfing all morning. Complete with audio, complete with subtitles, total variety - totally random - but high quality high definition. Now, how is that possible? There must be something on a backplane we are all hooked into, that's all I have to say about that. Thanks for listening.


    Ok, now to get to the point. I will concentrate here for the sake of coherency. Let's just look at a segment of the timeline spanning over the last 15 years or so. So, the Berlin wall falls on 11/9/89, 4/11/90 Gorbechev calls for NWO, 9/11/90 Bush I calls for NWO, 11 years to the hour Flight 77(7x11) having 92(9+2=11) on-board collides into the world tallest freestanding 11, US flag flies half staff for 11 days, 6 months and 11 days after 9-11, on March 22(2x11), 2002, the world's tallest 11 is created by 88(8x11) lights on at 6:30 off at 11 for 33 (3x11) nights. On 9/11/02 the NY lotto comes up 911, and the S&P futures index comes up exactly 911.00 (a one in a 10 million combo chance right there), then exactly 911 days after 9-11, was March "11", 2004 where 202 Europeans were murdered for just riding trains around town. 8 months later to the day, Arafat dies a mysterious death at 3:30am. Also on 11/11/04 the UN's WHO says lets get ready because untold numbers are going to die in the next pandemic. { It's a prediction at this point, yet based on these string of events, one can forsee this beginning 3 months and 11 days later, on 2/22/05. This is also is in precise alignment with Daniel's prophecy of 1260 days past some key date (9-11) } Ok my friends, are the sme11ing salts starting to take effect? The earth is completely run by international banking dark overlord elitists "i11uminati" who worship satan and are trying to summon their anti-christ. At this point, one might think it is GWB because he has eleven letters in his name, but the anti-christ is supposed to rule out of Jeruselum for a time. The anti-christ personality will rise out of chaos, appear to restore order, trick many off the fence into his camp, and cause greater destruction. Evil will even attack itself, then this world dictator will finally be whooped by a much high power of goodness, and so the story will go...


    For practice, just copy the above text into notepad and replace "11" with a number such as "14", or "13", or "5" or "8", or "4". You will experience first hand the anomaly curve.


    However, this isn't exactly new - 11's go way back, at least 86 years back to when WW I was declared over at 11/11/18 at 11am.


    Weishaupt incarnated his clandestine clan before the US grew up "for a very special purpose" as they have often said on the 1ns1de.


    If I may digress or progress (depends on how one looks at it) if any believer asked me what I interpret the four beasts of end-time prophecy as I was say 1) Lion (Great Brittain) with Eagles wings (the US). 2) Bear (Communism) with 3 ribs in mouth (Russia, China, North Korea) 3) Leopard (Germany) with 4 heads (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Reichs) and 4 dove wings (always hand in hand with the church) 4) Ten horned beast (Commonwealth of EU - or possibly the 10 control regions designated by the UN) Daniel 7:8 says that 1 more horn comes up in 7:8 - the anti-christ. That makes the final coveted "11th" horn of the powermongers that have always ruled the planet since before Christ came and he was crucified under their rule by a sinful generation back then.

  8. Dear Friends,


    I appreciate the continued support. Truly there is something here for the world to behold all at once. The number "11" occurs disproportionately in major 'global' dates that are associated with 'fear' or 'anticipation' in a striking degree. It is obvious to the eye, the mathematical probability of this extending throughout an entire century of history must be enormous. Keep in mind, these are many of the "biggest" dates, the top of the historical pyramid. Please click on the link again above for I have updated the graphic with two more significant "11" happenings. The image is also now a click-thru to more information. During the '13' day missile of October crisis, JFK delivered his speech to the world on Oct "22"nd, 1962, 1 year and 1 month prior to his assassination. For NASA buffs, how about the biggest mission ever to this date "Apollo '11'". Please investigate this: precisely at the T-minus 9 hour launch countdown clock display, an "11" hour hold in the countdown was abruptly inserted, holding the whole world in utter suspense for 11 hours. Can somebody validate this please? That just may have been the world's first exposure to the 9 and 11 sequence in a big way. It's quite special because the digits reduce to "11" as well; 1+9+1=11 and there are only 3 of these per year, 1/19 9/11 & 11/9. I know "11-9" dates have been important during the rise of the 1st-3rd Reichs previously as well. Can somebody validate this also please? These dates are the dates that have gripped the emotions of humanity - all of them, and "11"'s or multiple of 11 pop up an order of magnitude more than other numbers (which are in effect suppressed by the presence of so many ''11"'s. ) It is a numerologic signature written on the hallways of our global history, but can we guess who's or of whom? Any speculations?

  9. Just for the record, I do wish to state here that my political agenda is lasting 'World Peace' and nothing more or less. Thank you. -ejr


    " Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war. The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. " - Albert Einstein

  10. Dear Ophiolite,


    I originally didn't want this post to be public, because it would just add more fuel to the fire for those who would flame anything that might appear beyond their current discovery or beyond their world. I don't claim ownership of this discovery by the way, I had nothing to do with these events or the setting of their dates. However, this reply contains a response to your posting of the date for World War II. (The other dates were not dates of World Wars, but mere excercises in practice and spending by the US Military Industrial Complex.) Also, the first two responses have been dramatically cynical. I need help here, as I have seen something that has been very difficult for others to see. It would be useful to see this, so when the next day of massive tragedy magically happens on a key "11" date, people will start to wake up to these facts. Many innocent lives are still currently held in the balance.


    First, I'm not sure I can agree with your analysis that the ending of WW I, the probability factor of it just being 1 or 2, just because the war was wrapping up around those two months and they just thought about having people stop killing each other just to achieve a symbolic 11, 11, 11 ending point. Wars should never start in the first place as the first casuality is always truth, much less be prolonged or shortened to fall on a interesting day and hour for armistice.


    You might (or might not) want to know that the 60th anniversay of VE day is May 8th, 2005 and that falls on Ascension Sunday, celebrating the ascencion of Jesus into the heavens, as witnessed by the final eleven apostles. Prophectically, if you take Daniel's statement of 1335 (3 years, 7 months, and 25 ) days (last paragraphs of his end-time prophecies; btw, 1290 days is 3 years; 6 months, and '11' days, and that day is March 24, 2005 - Holy Thursday, the day celebrating Jesus' last supper 45 days before His Ascenscion), and add them onto 9-11-01, using excel's date function, you will land right on May 8th, 2005 as well. It's also a day of a full moon; many people will only recognize it as Mother's day, however...


    Yes, it is no secret, I am a 'believer' - but since I do not judge agnostics or

    anyone else, I ask that I not be judged here as well.


    Please continue... it is certainly worth our efforts...

  11. I do think there is a bit more to it that that. These events are associated to the fact that many innocent people died as a result of them, not your ordinary average major political event. Also, these dates are tied together by "11"s as well. There were exactly "11" years and 0 days between Bush I's "Toward a New World" speech on September 11th, 1990 and Bush II's September 11th, 2001. The flag is subseqently flown at half-staff until September 22nd, exactly 11 days later. The Patriot Act is unwrapped for the first time on that date as well. Exactly 911 days later (9+1+1='11'), on 3-11 2004, the Madrid train blast occured. Isn't this process generally referred to as "connectinig the dots"? Would others agree?

  12. Dear Community, this is a sincere and objective request in order

    to really try and find out what is going on in the world and hopefully

    others will then be able to agree upon the findings and results.


    I will supply some facts here, major historical dates, and I am asking

    for a scientific and mathematical approach to deducing the most

    accurate range of probabilities to contend that these happenings

    are simply not precipitated from some wild "theory" or extraordinary

    "coincidence". Is that clear enough for everyone to understand

    this request? I hope so. For the sake of this analysis, please ignore

    the noted reference to prophecy in the document as many minds

    would otherwise close off their thoughts to the real logical/scientific

    question at hand and just flame it instead. Thank you. May the

    brightest minds be recognized best under this thread.


    15 dates are presented here in this graphic that are in alignment with

    this subset of numbers (3,6,7,"11",13,19,93), the most prevelant

    being associated specifically with the number "11".


    The list of major political world events are listed on this calender of events:



    (you may have to find that pop-up icon to expand the image to 100% in

    your browser to be able to read the finer print.) Please save this image to

    a desktop folder to lighten the load on this little webserver.


    These are each dates of key major political happenings around the world,

    not just in America, the U.S., per se.


    What is the probablility equation that all these dates are numerologically

    tied to the above subset of numbers? (for example, one factor would

    be the natural probability that WW I would be declared over exactly on

    the 11th month, the 11th day, and 11th hour.)


    2nd question: specifically regarding the most prominent of dates/numbers,

    the number "11", which occurs at least on 10 major dates of global

    history, what is the probability equation and result for that?


    Others elsewhere have come up with numbers exceeding a square

    billion to one. However, without introducing other deductive processes,

    I wish to ask this community of scientists what their thoughts

    are notably.


    Lastly, once analysizing the facts and findings here, do you feel

    less confused about what is really going on in the world, as I do,

    after performing this research and investgative analysis?


    I hope the results of this anaylsis will be conducive and believable

    to the ordinary mainstream mindset which is influenced by the

    conditioning and propaganda projected daily through cable television.


    Thank you for your helping solve this mystery.


    Your friend,

    Eric Rainbowlt, 33

    Austin Texas

    hand written equations/results can

    also be faxed to: 512-499-0089

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