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Posts posted by cat-lady

  1. Hi there,

    looking for some expert advice :) I'm currently studying for a degree in natural science, specialising in biology and environmental science. I hope to go into a conservation/animal related industry or masters, or teaching of biology or something related.

    I'm struggling as I have one module of free choice and I cannot decide what would be best to do. I can do either 30 credits in earth science or environmental science. although it makes more sense to pick environment, I really enjoy earth science and this particular module is also concerned with life on earth also.

    Now i'm wondering, do you think an earth science module will look odd in my degree profile considering my future ambitions or is it still related?

    thank you.

  2. i understand environmental science is a brach of its own but would you class it as a biological science?

    i only ask as i am having problems picking my modules for my degree. i need mainly biological module s for masters id like to go on to but i'm very interested in environmental science and worry picking this will geperdise my future progress.

    thank you.

  3. Hi there,


    I will be starting a Bsc in natural sciences this September and was wondering if anyone has any recommended books?

    I will be studying biology, maths, environmental, earth, astronomy and a little chemistry and physics.

    I'm mainly struggling to find a decent maths and environmental science book.


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