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Posts posted by kmath

  1. I need to show that [latex] f: (0,1) \rightarrow R[/latex] is 1-1, where [latex] f(x) [/latex] is given by [latex] (2x-1)/(x^2-x) [/latex].


    My attempt: suppose:[latex] f(x) = f(y)[/latex]


    Then: [latex] (2x-1)/(x^2-x) [/latex] = [latex] (2y-1)/(y^2-y) [/latex].


    [latex]y(y-1)(2x-1) = (x(x-1))(2y-1)[/latex]


    Reducing this leads to:


    [latex]2xy^2 - y^2 + y = 2x^2 - x^2 + x[/latex]



    Of course, I need to show that [latex]x = y[/latex] but I'm not sure how to reduce this equality any further. Any ideas?



  2. Hello everyone,


    I want to make sure I understand the Cartesian product of two sets.


    Let A = {1, 2}

    B= {3, 4}


    Then A X B = {(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)}


    Is that correct?



  3. Hello everyone,


    For as long as I have known about the constant [latex]e[/latex], I have been in awe of its many uses and at times strange properties. Now I know its definition as a limit and as a series, but I have never quite understood just what makes [latex]e[/latex] so special, beyond the fact that it helps us solve problems. So my question is: what makes [latex]e[/latex] so significant to the overall study of mathematics?


    I hope that makes sense. I look forward to others perspective on this.



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