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Posts posted by MicroGirl

  1. Hi everyone,


    I made ampicillin-LB media on Wednesday and poured it into plates on wednesday afternoon. After allowing them to set i turned the plates over and left them on my desk wednesday night, Thursday day and Thursday night:doh:. This morning (Friday) i have packed them and put them in the fridge.


    I was just wondering, was it a mistake to have left them a whole day at room temperature? Has my media or the ampicillin gone off over this time? Can i still use my plates or should i just make new ones?


    Thanks heaps for your help,


  2. Hi im an honours student trying to pull out a clone library.


    I have a question conserning the colour of X-gal.


    I was required to make a solution of X-gal and it is clear in colour. When i compare the colouring of my x-gal to that of my supervisors, i can see that his is yellow in colour. Does this difference mean anything? Could it cause any differences wen spreading it on an Ampicillan-LB plate for the growth of clone colonies? Why is mine not yellow?


    Any help appreciated :)


    THank you!!

  3. Thank you everyone for your responces, its nice to know that people out there are willing to give support. When i mean 'fail' I mean my experiment didnt work...not a 'negative' result but wasnt sucessfull. For example im trying to build a clone library. its the first time ive ever done one. I did the ligation and transformation and plated the cells out only to find very few colonies growning, not enough for me to build a clone library from. Also i just make silly mistakes, wich i know i should'nt get too upset over...but i think its because i care and try so hard that i end up making these mistakes. (like over diluting my oglionucliotide primers by 100 times by using the wrong measurment on a pippett). They are mistakes i KNOW not to do but i do them. Its not that im careless....Because i care and worry so much. My supervisor says that i stress too much. So i guess i have to try and relax a bit.


    What im really worried about is getting some results to talk about in my thesis. As an Honurs student i only have 1 year to complete a project and talk about it. I feel that i have been given quite a challenging project to complete in 1 year...mostly due to my inexperience in the lab.


    Thank you all for your replies keep them comming!

  4. Hi everyone :),


    Ive come to the forum looking for some encouragement from all my fellow scientists. Im a university Microbiology honours student that has been having a few troubles with her project. Every time i try to do an experiment, it fails and i have to do it again and again to get it to work. I tend to make allot of stupid mistakes and ask allot of stupid questions and at the moment i feel like a real idiot :doh:. Im really afraid that i wont get my project done in time for me to write my thesis as i am hoping to get a 1st class honours so that i can apply for a PhD scholarship.


    I was just looking for some words of encouragement and/or advice to help me get through this difficult year.

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