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Posts posted by hbtrivedi

  1. Actually you should not give any comment like god created everything. I too believe in god. But we here want to discuss bout how it happened scientifically. Right? I'm not opposing you. Actually what i think is that, if everyone says that there was big bang and then jus started the creation of the present universe, then is it not possible that the matter from which the big bang occured was not the only material in the space then? The dot like matter had an explosion named big bang, and the matter and gases together formed the galaxies. Since then they are moving on their way. My question is wasn't there any other big bang before or after ours which may be many millions or trillions light years far from the spot of our big bang?For us everything begun after the big bang. This is the theory that can be believed compared to other theories because we know that all galaxies are moving far from each other and there was a single point where all were together.So i'll vote to big bang.And the computer program don't fix me. I don't know why but it don't. You asked what was god doing before he created the universe? I think the god builds universe, manages it, maintains it and finaly witnessess its destruction. As we know that our sun, our lovely planet earth, our moon and finally our solar system is also going to destroy. There may be another planet in this vast universe with life but we don't know where it is. So managing life there is also god's work. also there may be an existance of another universe beyond our knowledge.This all darkness is only because of our brain's thinking and our body sense's limitations. We cannot sense infrared rays like mosquitoes does or we cannot here ultra sonic sound like bats. We are living creatures but we are trully not enough evolved to understand the universe's laws and secrets. Time travelling is rather a very far topic. We are still not enough eligible to connect ourselves with the universal energy.I am from india. And i have heard many ethnic and mythical stories in which the sages and multi sense humans or better to say superhumans can connect themselves with the universal energy. They absorb it and could control their life span. They were able to levitate using earth's own gravity in against of their body mass. I've also heard that there are lives on every planet and even on sun. But instead they have on body like us. They are made of electromagnetic waves and vibrations.Its quite funny when you here somebody speaking such things. But who knows? May be this is the truth. Or may be not. We don't know the exacts.May be in the next hundred years it would be possible for the people here on earth to may plan a vacation trip to mars. :DEvery bit of knowledge depends on the technology we have.Scientifically it seems not possible for the people, living today, to find out the secret of the beginning of our universe. Perhaps the next age would find it.:)


    Sorry if my english seems like a funny written note with lots of grammatical mistakes.


    Another thing i'm gonna add is that you cannot ask directly about what was the beginning? Because, the questions between how all started and present conditions are still unsolved. Now when we are travelling back in time questioning and answering each others, we need to in step by step. How could you directly jump to the beginning without solving the middle riddles.You said you are a programmer. So suppose you are playing a video game in which your character is at level 1 which is actually the last stage showing the present condition of your player. Now you need to go through all levels till you reach the last level of the game, which is actually a very begining of your player's life part shown in the video game.


    If you wanna question about god. Please take a look at indian culture. You may have a rough idea about who's god, where he came from, how this universe is managed by him, etc. I believe that god is one. Though he had different identities in form of different religions, he is a one.

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