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Posts posted by justinater22

  1. Rather than mining for exotic materials, couldn't we generate enough electric current to power an electromagnet? I know that generating electricity in outer space is very limited, but theoretically that should do the trick, right?


    It is possible only for it to protect a vehicle in space and all it's passengers it would need to be really big. Since it is so big it would have trouble launching and then there's that whole space for the crew problem. And if you use less then enough to protect everyone it could have no or negative benefit.

  2. Actually there is tons of research being done in this NASA is focusing on materials that will block more radiation then aluminum does. But some are thinking about shields the thing is these do exist in the form of magnets. So why went we using these magnets right now? They are far away. There is evidence that on the moon there are magnets the reject the suns harmful rays. The moon isn't it there are rock molded with the magnetic field from when mars was hot and had one still. Similar evidence was found on asteroids too. These magnets don't even need to be huge (which is why the idea was dropped in the first place). In fact some powerful magnets are about the size of your thumb. The problem it is still being researched and all of these materials are far away and hard to get. I guess that is the only real problem we are facing with the shield.

  3. There are many theory's suggesting different things. Some think it came from a parent universe in which we are the creation of another universe. Others believe our universe has a timeline, and in expands contracts and then expands again from that. Another is that we are just one of many universes in a multiverse. I even believe there is one that suggests that every black hole contains another universe in it self so we could just be the inside of a black hole. So when a black hole formed a white hole was formed that acted as a valve and shot out all of the mass in our universe. One of the most popular is string theory which has the possiblity of what could be before the bigbang if it was prooved true. The thing is if we can't see it people will speculate, any of those theory's could be correct but because we can't go into a black hole our leave our universe or see any evidence it shrinks we can't know for sure.

    Scientists are looking for if another universe might have smashed into ours leaving a mark. Determining if dark energy is real or not could make some theory's impossible like the falling back together. But I don't think it is truly possible to ever know for sure unless we can check out some black holes, see the universe shrink, or noticing a universe colliding with ours. A good source for other theories is howstuffworks.com type in what was before the Big Bang.

  4. How can u guess at what genotype eye color your parents, and grandparents had? What eye colors are dominant and recessive? Do the colors mix? I ask this because my family has asked this question because my aunt has blue eyes and my uncle has brown eyes. Two kids have either blue or green but the third has a brown or hazel color. How is this possible?

  5. I am fairly new to astronomy but very interested in learning all I can. Right now I'm on my own and teaching myself until I get to college. Does anyone have any references that can get me started in understanding. I have read a brief history of time and other simple books, but I know nothing about any of the math and I'm hoping to learn more in the topic of astronomy. Also I have been outside with a telescope looking around. I found some planets and major star constellations. But I'm curious in what else I can look for and maybe some books showing me what I'm even looking at.

    Greatly appreciated thank you!

  6. I was thinking about what the shape of the universe must be if it had a shape which it should be more or less a large ball shape that is ever expanding at the speed of light--if the Big Bang Theory were true. However, I thought maybe since our universe seems relativey young and the galaxies seem to have no set orbit around anything and no one can seem to answer what is really at the center of our universe maybe there is no center that exploded. Could it be a ball with a tunnel in the middle; overall a ridiculously large black hole in the center of our universe much larger than any galaxy. A black hole that spews the "ever expanding" universe out one side, the side the Milky Way is on. The galaxies float away from the side of the black hole they were just spewed from somewhat in a random pattern. The giant black hole would be the largest gravitational pull in the "universe" so it would slowly pull the galaxies that were spewed out back into the eating side they had seemlingly floated randomly.


    This motion being much like pouring a lighter than water substance into a sink full of water. Once hitting the water's surface the substance seperates underwater and begins to float to the top where it is drawn back into the substance that is still pouring into the water and sucked back under only to be spewed out again. The differance being instead of a foreign substance causing the constant rotation and cycle it would be the gravtational pull of the black hole. Of course you would never see the "end" of the universe because the "edge" of the universe would actually only be where the "universe" crosses the horizon and light cannot be seen. This giving the appearance that the universe is ever expanding at the speed of light.


    Would this theory be possible? If not then how could this theory be disproved?



    This is not possible simply because the Big Bang shows that every



    I was reading somewhere that someone believed the universe was horn shaped... This does not make sense to me nor can I make sense of the force that makes our universe ever expanding as done by the Big Bang Theory. Maybe the black hole theory of mine could also use the idea that the universe moves fluid like. The side freshly spewed out could be slightly higher pressure than the other side. When the black hole "eats" it leaves an emptiness in the universe that is then filled by more... universe... I guess I would say, drawing the universe back into the black hole as if the universe actually had a very slight elasticity or surface tension to it. Pretty much that idea would be using high and low pressure. When I say elasticity I mean that of water when you stick your finger into the water how it draws up onto your finger or in this case it would draw it into a "drain," the eating side of the black hole.


    Or maybe the universe just slowly circulates due to heating and cooling like convection. The same idea that your ceiling fan uses when rotating backwards. Sucks the cold air up forcing hot air out of the way and then using gravity to pull the cold air back down... dense heavy cold side would circulate to the lower pressure hot side and the the hot side would circulate to fill in for the abscense of universe where the cold portion was. Why would the hot and cold side never equalize and the stop the circulation is a flaw to that idea however. Also light would escape this theory.


    Hmmm..... Anyway... super large black hole anyone?


    Your theory is not possible if the Big Bang is true. This would mean that any point could be the center of the universe because every object is moving away from each other. It's like a balloon if you put dots on a balloon, and then blow it up then all the dots would separate at an equal rate. So there is no real center for which your black hole could occupy.


    Expansion is from the Big Bang, the acceleration of expansion is currently explained by dark energy. Dark matter has nothing to do with it, nor does gravity. Gravity and dark matter work against expansion. Dark energy does not "use" gravity.

    Yea I figured it wasn't both I just didn't know which one. And is it known yet how the dark energy makes the universe expand?

  8. It is pretty clear that the universe is expanding because of the galaxies moving away from one another. But how does that work? I read that is what dark matter or dark energy does. I'm curious how dark energy could use gravity as a repulsive force, or is there another idea of how this might be happening?

  9. I understand that these black holes would be smaller and would have little effect even going through the Earth. I am curious why it would not effect Earth very much and yet leave a mark if passing through a star. Also I am curious about different ideas of how they were formed (if they even do exist). From my understanding is that they are not normal black holes from supernovae but from higher density at certain points towards the begining of the universe. If they do exist what would it mean for us? Would it help prove string theory?



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