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Posts posted by Kegg

  1. II recently have come up with an idea or a "theory" to what the human race might possibly be. After reading a book that Neil Degrasse Tyson wrote he mentioned that we humans are made up of star dust. The star dust from super novas spread through the galaxy landing on various planets in orbit, and starting life. I guess my idea starts there, if this is the case would it not be fair to say it is possible that the universe has created us on purpose? for what purpose one may ask? Well to be briefe, the universe could be depleated from what we humans carry and use every single night of our lives. Dymethyletriptamine - DMT. DMT is realesed while we sleep and is responsible for our dreams. Its only other time of use is death. When we die this chemical is realesed in mass amounts. Could it be possible that our universe has created the human race to harvest life or souls of people after we die?

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