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Posts posted by serunato

  1. Somebody just threw an equation at me and called it something like Planck's equation for energy in a vacuum: E=(1/2+n)h_bar w.

    Where n is the number of photons and w is the frequency, should be nu.

    Anybody heard of such a thing or is it pure BS? I know Planck's equation:


    But I never seen this stuff.

  2. Would any molecule with partial charge ever bonded with any ion with a complete charge?


    Yes, coordintation complexes. Neutral ligands form bonds with metal cations and those bonds often have covalent character, mostly for the d-block metals only. Like [Fe(H20)6]3+.

  3. because, why H2O does not form in ionic, instead covalent, since it will be more stable? as oxygen atom need to take up 2 more electrons, as 2 hydrogen atoms can provide so...



    O- is not stable, OH- is a very strong bronsted base, meaning it will accept a proton. Kw=1e-14, meaning that there are 1e-14M H3O+ and OH- floating around in pure water. So it does ionize but the OH- is such a good base it picks it right up, and the H3O+ is such a good acid it gives it right up. This is evidenced by dueterated water mixed with water. In a matter of microseconds there is no D2O left it has all become DHO. The rate at which the hydrogens exchange if fast.

  4. Quick question: Does anyone know where I can find the extinction coefficient of bromocresol purple? Also known as molar absorptiviy coefficient. I have tried CCR, merck, e-journals, scifinder and even enlisted the help of our chemistry librarian and nothing. Any help would be great, I mean if you know the ext.coef. that would be great but I really need to know where to find it more, so that I can site it in my report. Thanks for any help.

  5. But wouldn't it have to be opposite in value to be anti, like spin up vs. spin down? Isn't that how protons and neutrons couple? I am really just looking at how electrons act, but they only are described to have spin because they have magnetic moment and that is described as a charge that is in motion. Or am I way off?

  6. I finally found one that listed phen. Both have N bidentates. I still have a little trouble understanding why, when they are so close in the series, phen is low spin and en is high. It doesn't matter I have more than the answer I need, I was just curious. Thanks. Now on to crystal field :eek:

  7. last i checked a neutron consisted of an electron and a proton, so i would imagine that a positron and negatively charged proton united as if like a neutron would be an anti-neutron


    I assume that you get this from the fact that a neutron can emit an electron and thereby transmute into a proton, beta decay. But a proton can emit a positron(like the fluorine isotope) and become a neutron. Does this make a proton a neutron and a positron? That would mean it was really a proton and an electron and a positron. No, these bosons are actually made of quarks. In fact a proton is 2 up and a down while a neutron is 2 down and an up.

  8. PET scans use the whole antimatter thing to make scans of your brain and other things. It uses an isotope of Fluorine that decays to give off a positron that is so attracted to electrons that it collides almost immediately upon creation. This gives off two photons in opposite directions, to conserve momentum. These are back traced to give a 3D type scan. Positron is a positively charged electron, in essence. And anti-proton is a negatively charged proton, essentially. But there can't be an anti-neutron, due to the fact that it has no charge. Right?

  9. Can someone explain why this is? In [Fe(en)3][picrate]2 this means it is FeII. So using valence bond theory they should be sp3d2 hybrid orbs. Crystal field theory is not an option in this problem, which would have made more sense to me. So in [Fe(1,10-phenanthroline)3][ClO4]2 it is also FeII but it must be in the low spin state meaning that all the e- are paired in the remaining 3d orbs not used for the hybrid bonds. While in the [Fe(en)3][picrate]2 it must be using the 4d orbs and leaving the 3d orbs alone to have the 6e- spread out over the five. Both ligand types are bidentate and both bond by the nitro. This explains the difference in magnetic moment, but why in the hell does one go high spin and the other go low?

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