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son of sun

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Posts posted by son of sun

  1. Could it? How precisely would you describe the fabric ripping? What physically is taking place?


    Well, in theory, the singularity within the black hole could become dense enough that the dent it creates could deepen far enough that it encounters either another reality or our own reality at another point. This is possible because of the curvature of the universe; if it can be curved, it can be curved in on itself.

  2. Regardless of what you want to call it, brainwaves, Self, or soul, does the essence of a human individual's mind belong to something larger in relation to his fellow humans? Is there a subtle inter-pathic network connecting us, forming a backdrop for all conscious thought?

  3. We really have very little idea of what happens past the event horizon of a blackhole - let alone at the singularity.


    I have never really understood the idea of a whitehole connected to a blackhole thing. It seems to be premised on the idea that the matter that is absorbed by the blackhole in one universe/place/reality is ejected through a whitehole in another. But we know that the matter in the blackhole continues to act gravitationally on the matter outside the event horizon (ie it adds to the mass of the blackhole) - so why are we positing an idea that gets rid of the matter?


    The addition of mass to a black does prove that matter within a black hole stays there, so I suppose it does seem unlikely that the matter is reposited in another reality; however, it could still be possible that the dent in spacetime caused by the black hole could be deep enough to rip the fabric of the universe.

  4. What, according to the laws and physics of the universe, could exist on the other side of a black hole? There is a theory stating that due to the extreme density inside a black hole, a singularity of matter is formed, becoming so dense that it punches a hole in reality. Is this possible?

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