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Posts posted by Mr.Green

  1. Is there a method for hallucinating? Instead of using pyschedelic drugs like shrooms, acid, etc.


    Is there a way where u dont need drugs to make u hallucinate?


    Why i ask this? Because i want to experience hallucination, i want to know whats it like, visual and auditory, and other hallucinations.


    Is there anyway to induce it?


    Other than drugs, Like LSD and Shrooms......


    U have got food's that can give you hallucinations....some mild and some very intense...


    1) Nutmeg - 3 spoons of ground nutmeg, should get you buzzing and hallucinating for about 14-28 hrs...side effects - Nausea, sleep deprivation etc...for a day......- Mild Hallucinations and Visual effects, colour change and you hear voices....Have tried it would not recommend 3 spoons, go for 2 and would be good enough


    2) Parsley Oil - 5 to 10 capfull of this oil will get u tripping....Hallucinations are heavy and can last upto 14 hrs to a day....side effects, I dint have any other than bad stomach LOL....but i love the trip....more of hallucinations and sound effects....should try...depends on the persons body...so get into research and then give it a shot


    3) Sarpa Salpa, a fish - ask for this particular fish - it doesnt have the hallucinogen, but it eats some algaes and plants that has a hallucinogen called indole.....Man its very hard to get a fish that has heavy amounts of indole in its head!!!! Luckily the first one i bought had good enuf indole, and its present in the head of the fish....eat the head and there you are enjoying mind blowing hallucinations for 48 hours....man my favourite trip, but after a while got a bit scary when i saw monster fish flying around my apartments...LOL...the best and safest i would say, also good for your health(from what i have read, please research more before trying)....the fishes head!!!


    4) The datura or the moon flower or thorn apple - whatever yCou call it, its a sick hallucinogen....LISTEN CAREFULLY, OVER DOSAGE CAN KILL YOU IN NO TIME.....you have to be careful and with this kind of plant, start taking in little bits and understand the limit you can go upto....I started of with the seeds of the plant...started of with 5 eventhough 10 was the amount to be taken to see visual effects...5 and i had sounds going through walls etc....but bad headache next day morning...dint go for 10 cus my friend said the leaf is much better...2 leaves, grinded it and made tea....kept it for 30 minutes so the hallucinogen gets mixed with the water...and then had 2 cups...first 2 hours nothing....but after that the best i would say but very confusing...unlike shrooms or acid, u knoe that your are hallucinating and can tell which is real and which is not....but this trip you just dont have hallucinations but also delusions....for ex: I saw my friend waiting with the car keys at the basement and every-time i approached him, he disappeared...you get very confused and experience something called phantom cigarettes, everyone user of datura experience this LOL...where the cig keeps disappearing or vice versa....LOL.....amazing trip....you can also smoke the flower....everything you do with this plant has limits, and above the limits can be harmful and dangerous, and will need hospitalisation etc....do not overdo, 2 leaves or 10 seeds or one flower is the limits, more than that can be dangerous....Lasts for a day max...after effects are something like the worst hangover form liqour...headaches...sometimes sounds etc..


    5)Stilton cheese - 20 grams of this shit and your having funny hallucinations....havent done it so cant comment much on it....


    6)Half raw half ripe mulberries - large amounts of unripe mulberris can cause moderate hallucinations...never tried so no commnts...


    7) Coffee - its said caffeine, aabove 250 mg can get you high, medically stoned lol...you hear voices bright colours...260 mg of caffeine would mean a starbucks tall coffee(120z)...hallucinations can come in at 500 mg to 700 mg of caffeine...which means about 8 to 9 tea cups of instant coffee or 4 to 5 cups of brewed....


    Thats all for now man....thats all i got...am in an adventure to try everything that gets you tripping....LOL....heard there is this bullfrog...you take the sticky part outside in the skin area, and make it into powder and smoke it, you have mind blowing hallucinations for fucking just 30 mins, but tht min, u r in heaven or hell...depends how u see it...LOL...heard about it but never tried it or neither do i believe it until i see it and try it...will keep you guys posted on the safest things tht u can hallucinate on....Take it easy...safe tripping....when the nature itself provides you with hallucinogens, why LSD or Ketamine...LOL...Say no to drugs...heheheheh!!!!!





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