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Posts posted by EternalPessimist

  1. EternalPessimist,


    My argument would be that some human discovered how to hunt faster and stronger animals, and shared his knowledge or at least was observed and copied. Same with farming, husbandry, material science, all the sciences, all the arts, all the trading and laws and civilization we all enjoy. We have worked together to dominate this planet and use it to our advantage, and to take care of it, when we use it too much. For every conflict humans have engaged in, there has been a human resolution. Why should "this time" be any different.


    Regards, TAR2


    You forget humanity's capacity for self destruction and also the destruction of the natural environment that it is prone to also.


    In many ways humanity's inherent destructiveness outweighs it's creative abilities.


    Working together?


    There is no us.


    There is only the wealthy privileged class utilizing the labor of everybody else for it's own designed end.


    The goal eventually is to eliminate everybody else when they are no longer needed so that the privileged and wealthy administrator class inherents the future all to itself without all the useless eaters around.


    I hope you enjoy this post.


    Entropy is the master of us all.


    Were all slaves to entropy and decay.


    At any rate on a long enough time line entropy will outright win followed by a extinction event.


    Problem with energy expansion is a planet with finite resources within a paradigm of infinite human expansion.


    Civilization a existence of comedy and tragedy.

  2. To Tar:


    You beings was a typo from my automatic word corrector.


    I meant to say humanity or humankind.


    In my first post I never claimed a different status from everybody else.


    Belly aching?


    I call it a simple and astute observation.


    Your progressivist hopefulness for the future falls on deaf ears.


    Human nature has not changed by very much in 3500 years.


    What makes you think this time is any different?


    I'll be glad to hear your arguments but please don't waste my time with defamations or personal insults.


    The internet is riddled with them everywhere and it is nauseating.

  3. If you beings were wise we wouldn't keep repeating the same atrocities or mistakes.


    Poverty exists because social hierarchy, economics, and human nature demands it. Other people's poverty is profitable.


    Nuclear weapons. I still give it time before we eventually kill ourselves off and destroy this planet once for all eternity.


    Knowledge is a means of power. It is only sought for it's own sake.


    Human beings are void of virtue. Virtue is illusory.


    Technology in the hands of primates has done well to advance heathens but as of yet civilization still does not exist and probably never will.


    There is nothing civilized about this planet.

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