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Posts posted by EratosthenesII

  1. God is in physics - water does not flow up hill

    It could be said that formation of clouds takes water up hill, to neutralise gravity.

    But that aside, rules that are indifferent to human, prayer etc are reliable, consistent, therefore helpful

    Is an invisible God harder to see because of the distracting voices of the false gods;

    is God another of those treasures whose value is unknown till out of reach?



  2. Student loans are another reminder that many things in a civilised society are good for an individual AND good for civilisation.

    At the end of a day a banker may leave the office saying "great day - another $3million in the pocket."


    At the end of the same day a trauma surgeon leaves his hospital saying "Great result considering his vitals at the time of admission. But he would not have come through without the magic of the Anaesthetist, two hours into the op - live is good"


    The surgeon and the banker are from different worlds. The surgeon should have his training provided by the state, the benefit to the state of having medical people is clear to all and the surgeon will never get the financial rewards enjoyed by the banker.


    The money lenders would never have introduced student loans without loans creating another income stream for the lenders. Who created the illusion of a "trickle down economy"? Probably the lenders who created the "trickle up economy" for their own gain. Bankers make easy money declaring all transactions to be for private good. Through student loans, the bankers are futureproofing themselves and 20 year olds


    I can understand this 24yr old having an aversion to student loans. What is there to like, when banks soak up so much of every community's money, to offer it back, now at the cost of as yet unearned money?






  3. "-- Science is about facts regardless of belief, Religion is about belief, regardless of the facts" - doG

    What is social science?

    What is common sense?

    What is common sense to someone who hasn't learned physics? Are there any strings at all that bind us together?

    Is psychology a science? It gave us the "mid life crisis"; the supporting stats approved by a psychologist;

    It is commonsense to some of us that the best life passes through a long series of crises, not just one.

    And it is common sense that data collected non randomly is unreliable.

    That the data leading to the "mid life crisis" came from 36 male university staff nearing 40 yrs of age

    Only 36? all male? All mid life?

    God is in physics - water does not flow up hill

    God is in psychology - experience might help when bullies turn up

    It does seem that there is something invisible that binds a community together.

    Stop nurturing your community and it is not likely to get stronger.

    Sometimes I think that Humans created God while they struggled against unpleasantly wealthy people who otherwise run the show. example easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than a rich man into the kingdom of Heaven

  4. Perfect squares end in 1,4,5,6,9 and zero. Nice symmetry.

    Especially with the squares of

    1 & 9 (5 +/- 4) ending in 1

    2 & 8 (5 +/- 3) ending in 4

    5 (5 +/- 0) ending in 5

    4 & 6 (5 +/- 1) ending in 6

    3 & 7 (5 +/- 2) ending in 9




    100, 400, 900, 1600; of course, if a number ends with a zero, its square ends in 00


    Is the only other repeated end for a square 44?


    144 1444 3844 7744 12544 19044 26244 35344 44944 56644 68644


    are all perfect squares


    their square roots are (50n +/-12)2 and n = 0,1,2 . . .


    For further amusement, 213,444 = 4622, and is the second member of a series (500n +/- 38)2 = . . . 444


    The comment is -

    These two series should have names


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