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Posts posted by elemental

  1. pmb;


    You should have seen how far off my first try was. I had to edit to make the meaning clearer and still missed the mark.


    Max Planck's h is a discrete amount of energy, maybe fundamental was the wrong word to use. The v is of course the multipler.


    The OP asked a question. What is energy? With Max Planck's h we have a very small discrete amount of energy to consider. I read that Planck was disturbed by any physical interpretation of h. If someone can explain what h is instead of just being an amount, it would be an explanation for one manifestation of energy.

  2. I must have misread something along the way and took Max Planck's h ( a quantum of action ) to be more fundamental, more general, than the photon as a quantum of action.


    Planck's constant is a proportionality constant and as pantheory pointed out, the h is theoretical. It must be impossible to detect, or even emit one h, so it can't be verified as an entity.


    So, what is the lowest energy single photon that can be detected?

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