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Posts posted by Luminol

  1. Photons are particles of the electromagnetic spectrum that transmit its influence I guess you could say. They aren't electrons...maybe you are thinking about positrons which are antimatter versions of electrons which have a positive charge instead of a negative charge. Anyway...since visible light is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum we can't always see the photons... When you think about the electromagnetic spectrum it's the wave explaination that is used to show that different wave frequencies produce different parts of the spectrum.



    Uranium gives off alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.


    The alpha particles are a helium nucleus that travels at about 5-7% the speed of light. The beta particles are electrons traveling at about 90% the speed of light. Gamma rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum (very high frequency)...so photons are there.



    Atoms can give off photons when it's electrons jump from a high energy state to a lower one...this is how fluorescence works.


    I don't know about a website but there is a great book that deals with a lot of these kinds of things...it's called the Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. I haven't read it in a while but it talks about particles, einsteins theories, Quantum mechanics, and then goes into string theory. It's a good book and is just about the easiest to understand...although some of the stuff in there will really get you mind and imagination working...just because that is how the Universe is.

  2. woah hold up. where's the socialism?



    look at their army. and dont even give me the bs that armies dont commit terrorist actions. example: holocaust' date=' rape of nanking, 4 million casualties in vietnam war (many of which were civilians), chemical weaponry used in mass quantities in vietnam and world war 1, the firebombing of tokyo and the nuking of japan in world war two.

    the victors write history and choose not to degrade themselves.


    with regard to your history section, please cite sources



    in palestine, there is no media and there is very little money. the money was stolen 4 years ago by the israeli army, which used anti-tank guns to break into palestinian bank vaults. they plundered, pillaged and left the computers with banking information destroyed. they recently did so again (see source in previous post). that is state sponsored terrorism. you are quick to blame palestinian groups for terrorist actions but you still do not address the issue of israeli state sponsored terrorist actions committed by their army.[/quote']




    My source for the history section is a book called the Forgotten Ally written in 1943 by Pierre Van Paassen...you have to get it in the out of print section of Amazon or B&N (it was recommended to me by Walid Shoebat who was a former Palistinian terrorist...try e-mailing him I'm sure he would love to give you more specifics of his story and his view about what is going on), Walid Shoebats website...http://www.walidshoebat.com (I recommend watching the video there that I posted here a few posts back called A Palistinians Journey under the media section). I also recomend reading the "Arabs who speak out" section and listening to Dr. Tarek Abdelhamid (yes he is on Israeli radio) who is an Egyptian Psychologist (I think) who created his own form of peaceful Islam... at first he to joined a terrorist group when he was younger and prayed with Al Qadia's #2 man. He then changed his mind...and formed a new sect of Islam that believes the Jews have a right to their land. These people were there and were involved and are very interesting to listen to...they give a good look into the mind set over there. Another source was the UNs website on Israel, and I think I used Tea with Terrorists written by Craig Winn who went to Palistine and interviewed terrorists from the PLO, Al Qadia, HAMAS, and Islamic Jihad. The book is written as fiction but the section called Tea With Terrorists is almost exactly word for word what was said. The funny thing is that the PLO terrorists are afraid of HAMAS and Islamic Jihad...they think they are crazy.



    I'm sorry but I don't see taking money used to fund killing Jews as a terrorist act. Israels army is there for defense...if they had it for offense then why would they give the land back that they won in the wars that they fought. The Jews were going to give Palistine land...what they wanted. Sharon even went against his own party to do this and what happened? Terrorist attacks against the Jews. After the Oslo accords with Clinton what happened? The most violent year of suicude bombings in the history of Israel. I hope that clears up this state sponsored terrorism thing. I don't see what you are describing as terrorism...as terrorism (including some of the hisotrical non middle east stuff you listed). I guess we will have to disagree on that. :cool:


    Palistine does have a state controlled media... I posted the link a few posts back. http://www.pmw.org.il/ (yes its an Israeli website)...and there are other middle eastern media outlets which can be seen translated here: http://www.memri.org/index.html


    Anyway...take a look at the sources I've posted here and tell me what you think. :)


    Oh and one more thing...your source for the bank heist thing is Baku Today from Azerbaiijan (a 98% Muslim country)...It says the Israelis used tear gas and rubber bullets against palistinians. They raided banks that were supporting Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Islamic Jihad...three terrorists groups that aren't even from Palistine...but are still there killing Jews.

  3. There is no Israeli terrorism sponsored by the state. There are Jewish terrorist groups...and there are some Jews who do not want to give land to the Palestinians and will go build settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. I don't agree with the socialist imperialism theory that you seem to hold as truth. That always seems to be the source of every problem to you socialists. Every problem in the world is because of money or imperialism. It’s a one size fits all view that you always try to shove everything into. Secondly I don't believe one thing a government run by a terrorist group says. They over inflate the numbers and always say that children we killed. One Palestinian music video shows Jewish soldiers sniping kids for the heck of it...I don't believe it for a second. Anther favorite of mine is the belief that Jews kidnap Arab children and kill them for their blood to be used in their religious practices. How about that Jews are descendants of pigs and apes? How about the belief that the holocaust was faked by the Jews to get the western world behind them to form the state of Israel? How about the idea that all Jews have type AB blood and all Arabs have type O therefore the Jews are takers and the Arabs are givers. I could go on for paragraphs.


    Israel began basically by Jews who started immigrating there in the 1880s. They bought the land from wealthy Arab land owners who sold them the land highly overpriced and didn't really care about it because it was a wasteland. There were few people living in the area when the Jews started coming back if I remember correctly it was somewhere around 150,000 . The Jews made the land fertile again and many Arabs started immigrating there for jobs and to live with the Jews in the prosperity they just created...and partly because they didn't want the Jews there.


    Great Britain helped the Arabs fight against turkey to get their land out of the hands of the Ottoman Empire. In return Britain was allowed to have a say in what happened to the land. They decided to create two states...trans Jordan (Arab) and Jewish Palestine (Jewish). When it came time to do this the British put an anti-Semite in charge that basically screwed over the Jews. There were also the beginnings of terrorist attacks against the Jews and Islamic anti-Semitism was beginning to spread partly due to the leaders of the Islamic countries surrounding the area like the Prince of Iraq at the time. During WWII the grand Mufti of Jerusalem allied himself with Hitler because they both wanted the same thing and there were if I remember some where around 8 or 10 muslim SS divisions in the Nazi armies. Eventually after WWII the UN decided to take away more of the land promised to Jews by Britain giving the "Palestinians" Gaza and the West Bank and making Jerusalem international. Eventually Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, ect. Started massing their armies on the borders of Israel and began to make threats. Eventually Israel attacked to get the upper hand. The Arab leaders told those Arabs in Gaza and the West bank to leave for their safety and that the Jews would be destroyed in a short time and they would then be allowed to go back. Israel won the war in a short time taking the Sinai pen. from Egypt ect...which they gave back. The Jews are willing to give back Gaza and the West Bank and most support a Palestinian state.


    I believe that there are many that want peace on both sides...and there are those who do not. I don't believe that HAMAS, Hezbollah, or the PLO want peace. They are the ones controlling the minds of the children there. They control the media, they control the money, and they control just about everything They are the ones who put their children in front of Israeli soldiers and incite violence so the children will die and they can say that 20 children were killed by the Jews. Have you ever heard an 8 year old screaming about how much he hates the Jews and that he prays to Allah that he will bring him death killing the Jews?


    I just don't see anything in the Jews like this at all (accept for the small minority that I mentioned before...and these terrorist groups are illegal and they are dealt with by the Jews). I don't see them wishing to exterminate the Arabs off the face of the earth. I don't see anything terroristic about defending themselves from the hate and violence that is thrown at them evey day.


    I think it's safe to say that our opinions about this are very much the opposite!!! :D

  4. What I'm saying is that the Palistinians don't want to live in peace. How can Israel and the Jews live with people who believe that they are dogs, the lowest form of life on the planet. What would you do? Just let them kill your family and friends? If you are an Israeli soldier being attacked by an angry mob of Palistinians who want to kill you and rip your body apart...what would you do? Hold your fire? If there are teenage kids blowing themselves up on buses to kill you just because of who you are are you just going to sit back? Israel has tried many times for peace. I just don't see any way to stop the violence when Palistinian children are taught hate and that killing is a great honor. The Jews are willing to give the land back that they took when they were attacked by just about every country in the Middle East. What are the Palistinians going to do with that land? Are they going to live in peace and embrace the Jews? What are the children (who are being exposed to all of this violence and hate) going to do...have a sudden change of heart? How can you wage peace with people who hate you more than they love life? How do you show love to someone who will just see it as a way to get an advantage over you and then stab you in the back?


    I'd be really happy if Palistinians had a state and could better their lives and live in peace with the Jews and help eachother out. I don't believe they want that. They want all of the Jews to die.

  5. Your post proves nothing. If I have to agree with you to be open minded then I guess I'm not. The Palistinians teach their children to kill and to hate the Jews, they teach violence. The evidnece is right in plain sight. If that means that there are more palistinians that die than Jews then so be it. The palistinians will reap what they sow...when they glorify death and violence they get death in return. Israel has tried many times to give land to the Palistinians...what happens? They are hit even harder by terrorists. Every time there is a ceasefire the terrorists attack and then say it was the Jews who started fighting again.


    We give billions to Egypt who sends some of the money to Palistine through underground tunnels...and they use it to fund terrorist operations. You get no aid food or money unless you support terrorists.

  6. I watched the debates. I thought Cheney won...but the whole debate was boring...I almost fell aspleep a few times.



    I find the idea that the US and Israel are comitting attrocities against Palistine one of the funniest things I've heard so far. The palistinians teach their children hatred of Jews from the begining, they teach their children that killing Jews is the duty of every Muslim, they teach their children that dying for Allah (Shahid) is the greatest thing for a Muslim to do. Everything from TV, Music Videos, Art, Movies, Religious studies, Social Studies is about Jew Hatred. I don't see anything wrong with what Israel is doing...they are protecting themselves from extermination.








    Read listen and be educated.


    I also suggest finding a copy of Jihad in America. It's a PBS documentary about terrorism in the US...produced after the first world trade center attack and shows the depth of the problem.

  7. as i've stated' date=' i'm not trying to start a flame war, but, mad mardigan, "So you dont think Kerry would mislead anyone? And you think we are all mindless zombies that believes what everything someone says?" if you can quote me as saying that you are all mindless zombies that believe what ever(ything?) someone says? then i will gladly answer to you and your fellow republicans, once i find out what that question means....

    see, the thing that i can't seem to decifer is, a boat load of people support george bush. even though the dollar continues to lose value in the world market. even though supposedly around every corner there is a terrorist(while we didnt have this problem during the clinton era), even though the country has been led to a police action under false pre-texts, even though george bush has clearly screwed this country up with his environmental, education, and tax policies, even after all that crap, people still are all gungho about him. see, not to offend anyone, i believe that it has nothing to do with what bush does as president. i believe that it is a religious thing, where people feel compelled to vote for a christian leader. someone who will carry out christian inspired dealings within the confinements of the presidency. someone who will push a christian agenda because he is so out of touch, that the only thing he can relate to is the bible. now, im not saying anything bad about christians(i am catholic) im just saying that i think that the republican party takes religion WAY too far when it comes to the political spectrum. this is only my experience. feel free to comment. but please dont try to flame.[/quote']


    I find it funny that someone would believe that there wasn't a terrorist problem when Clinton was president. If I remember correctly there were a few terror attacks against the US when Clinton was president but Clinton just proved to the Jihadists that the US will do nothing or pull out when we take casualties.


    There is a great documentary out there called "Jihad in America" produced after the first world trade center attack that shows very well terrorists operating here in the US...in places like Kansas.


    Kerry would do worse because first of all he will give Iran Uranium to test their intensions...then once they show that they are intending to be hostile with the nuclear fuel then we will put more sanctions on them...sounds like a great plan...the sanctions will stop them for sure. ;) They don't even need enriched Uranium to do damage...all they need to do is send a few terrorists over here with a dirty bomb...why don't we just put a nuclear bomb in the middle of NY and tell the terrorists that its there...and test what their intentions are.


    Kerry wants to pull our troops out of Iraq within 4 years giving the terrorists a nice time line for their plans. I just want to know what magical plan Kerry has to get Europe into Iraq so we can pull out. I also believe that Iraq is not as bad as the media protrays after writing to soldiers in Iraq and hearing them speak most say that they are more afraid of Iraq here at home watching the news than when they are actually there. The elections will happen on time and the Iraqi people will have a government that they elected. We already have 200,000 Iraqi troops and police trained to take on the grunt work now...they have already participated in many military operations.


    The Iraq war was a very good idea. It is the center of the Middle East and many Jihadists believed that Saddam would be the one to lead a final PanArab attack on Israel to exterminate the Jews. Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism. Iraq had ties with TERRORISM...this is a war on TERRORISM...not a war on just Al Qadia. Abu Musab Al Zarqawi was part of Al Qadia when in Afghanistan...then moved to Iraq and set up operations there under an Islamic terror group called Ansar Al-Islam which was founded in 2001 from the Jund Al-Islam (Soldiers of Islam) terrorist group and the Islamic Movement in Kurdistan. This terrorist group (along with the Salafist Brigades of Abu Bakr Al-Sidiq, Tawhid and Jihad (Zarqawi's group), The Army of Ansar Al-Sunnah, The Army of the Black Flag, Sadr's Militia, ect, ect) are the people killing Iraqis with car bombs and killing civilian workers by sawing off their heads. There are numerous terrorist groups out there besides Al Qadia. To think that if we would just catch Bin Laden that the war is over is dangerously ignorant. Bin Laden is only a very small part of a large problem...and who knows if he is even running Al Qadia anymore...he wasn't the only person to sign the fatwa declaring war on the US. We need to go on the offensive against these people...we have already captured or killed many high level terrorists but that means nothing when millions of muslims support Jihad.


    The Patriot Act is a very good law that has and will continue to help the Law enfocement communities and agencies work together to catch terrorists. It doesn't bother me that the FBI can check a terrorists email or tap their phone without telling them...it doesn't hurt me. Where is the FBI going to get all the extra time to start spying on peaceful citizens minding their own business?


    I couldn't care less about Bush's religious values and don't hear much about them from him or anyone else. The left takes attacking religion way to seriously and that's why Christians became involed in politics in the first place.

  8. I agree with the last part...There was no univese and no laws taht govern anything before the big bang...and we are talking about an infinately small point. The laws of classical physics and chemistry don't apply here.



    A singularity is a point where space and time are infinately curved due to an infininite density. We don't know much about before the big bang...which is why we are working to find out how gravity works at a quantum level. I just want to know where this info about a singulatiry not moving comes from...and why is it that important?...and how do you know when no one else knows anything about the singularity before the big bang?


    I still don't understand the atoms are moving so that explains why galaxies are moving...ect...explain this a bit better...


    We say that the universe is expanding because the galaxies are generally moving away from eachother...and if you go back in time they come together and approach what we call the singularity. Remember we aren't just talking about matter expanding but space and time. Imagine a cup that starts at a single point at the bottom and as you move up toward the top of the cup it becomes larger in diameter...almost like a funnel...and this is space and time...not just "moving atoms".

  9. the real question for bush is...who is the enemy? who? can you tell me blike? can anyone tell me who the actual enemy is? for a second i thought it was osama, but, we've spent more time in iraq "liberating" the iraqis than we've spent looking for osama...it has already been stated BY the bush administration that there is no reason to believe that saddam hussein had any connections with al quida. well then, what's this whole iraq thing about? personally, im a little pissed off that two towers fell because some asshole had the bright idea of hi-jacking a couple jets...and personally, im also a little pissed off that we've spent billions of dollars in a different country for different reasons...i bet if you asked bush who the real enemy was, he'd have nothing to say. but it remains to be seen. we'll see if kerry grows a sack before sept 30'th for the 1st debate. until then, we'll just have to wait.



    There are more terrorist groups than Al-Qaida and Bin Laden. Islamic Jihad, Hizbolla, Hamas, The army of the Black Flag, Tawhid and Jihad, Ansar Al Sunnah, Ansar Al Islam (which was headed by Abu Musab Al Zarqawi who is part of Al Quadea). I don't understand the idea that if we catch Bin Laden that the terrorists will stop. I'm guessing that it will cause many in the Middle East to start fighting against us since they see Bin Laden as a hero for attacking the US. We are fighting against Islam (which is/has become an arrogant, ignorant and violent religion)...that's what the terrorists think but we are too politically correct to come to our senses. If you don't believe it here are some quotes from them:


    "Jihad and the rifle alone. NO negotiations, NO conferences and NO dialogue."


    --Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, Join The Caravan


    "In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals. 'Muslim' is the title of that International Revolutionary Party organized by Islam to carry into effect its revolutionary programme. And 'Jihad' refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic Party brings into play to acheive this objective."

    --Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi, Jihad in Islam p8


    "Whoever says that Islam is free from terrorism or wants to differentiate between Islam and terrorism is committing Al Juhoud and that is Kufr Akbar – and will take them out of the fold of Islam.


    The one who says ‘we should fight against terrorism’, he is fighting against Islam. We know very well that USA meant no one else by the term ‘terrorists’ but Islam and Muslims and the one who wants to avoid terrorism is avoiding Islam."


    -- Al Muhajiroun (Bakir School of Thought) 6-21-2004


    "Since lawful warfare is essentially Jihad and since its aim is that religion is entirely for Allah and the word of Allah is uppermost, therefore, according to all Muslims, those who stand in the way of this aim must be fought."


    --Sheikh Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah, The Religious and Moral Doctrin of Jihad, p28


    "And you will not find any organization past or present, religious or non-relgious as regards ordering the whole nation to march forth and mobilize all of them into active military service as a single row for Jihad in Allah's Cause so as to make superior the Word of Allah (i.e. none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), as you will find in the Islamic Religion and its teachings."


    --Sheikh Abdullah bin Muhammad Humaid, Jihad in the Quran & Sunnah, p29




    We need to help truly moderate muslims reform their religion worldwide or this will never end. We take out Al Qadia and Bin Laden there will be another group of brainwashed muslims to take its place. The last time I checked Iraq is right in the middle of the Middle East...that's where radical Islam is coming from...hmmmmmm...we are waisting our time there how


    Maybe you should try to go over to Afghanistan and Pakistan and search for him yourself. We have special forces over there now looking for him...the mountains are very tough to navigate through or find anyone in...plus Bin Laden has been in Pakistan guarded by the border tribes there...the Pakistani army is helping him with medical treatment for his kidneys...are we going to invade Pakistan? Others say that Bin Laden has been in Iran...


    As for John Kerry I heard him say during the debates that we should give Iran nuclear fuel to see what they do with it and then put santions on them if they use it for non nuclear energy activities (although there have been sanctions on Iran since Carter...but who cares about the facts?). This sounds a lot like what Clinton did with North Korea...and now they have nuclear weapons. Appeasment is not going to work with these people.

  10. Here is part of the statement that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi read before the beheading of Eugene Armstrong:


    "Now, you have people who love death just like you love life. Killing for the sake of God is their best wish, getting to your soldiers and allies are their happiest moments, and cutting the heads of the criminal infidels is implementing the orders of our lord,...Oh, you Christian dog Bush, stop your arrogance."


    Its a religious motivation...the only sure way to heaven in Islam is to kill non-muslims and/or die fighting Jihad. I believe the main motivation of Islamic terrorists is fear...fear of an uncertain future...fear of hellfire. Hellfire and a painfull doom is basically all the Qur'an talks about.


    I don't know if there is some kind of antisocial problems or even psychosexual disorders among some of these people. I think there are a lot of sadist aspects to their behavior...maybe it is sexual. Zarqawi was a highschool drop out, alcoholic, was arrested for sexual assault in Jordan, he enjoys tying up and humiliating his victims (ie the latest video with a british hostage in a cage), his form of killing is personal (not like shooting), he admits that he gets pleasure from pain suffering and death, he likes to taunt the authorities...he sounds like psychosexual sadist to me. I don't really know much about psychology though...I'm taking general right now...but I did have to read about profiling for my criminal justice classes. We will never know unless we can get people to do psychological interviews with terrorists...which won't ever happen.


    Anyone here know much about profiling?

  11. The cornea of the eye dries out after death becoming a milky or hazy color about 8-10 hours after death. Maybe thats why brown eyes may look more bluish in color. Postmortem changes to the eyes are a very good indicator of death along with the milky color, the responsiveness to light, touch and pressure are also a good indicator of death.

  12. Einstien's theories showed the existance of black holes before we actually observed them. So the same could be said for string theory...but the problem is trying to see something that is 100 billion billion times smaller than an atom. :D


    I thought the idea of dark matter came about when someone was observing a star and noticed that it's light was being bent like there was a large unseen object that came into the field of view...and also the fact that there isn't enough matter in the universe to explain expansion/contraction of the universe.


    There are some good books out there about string theory/TOE that are easy to understand like "the Elegant Universe (also on DVD from PBS very very good!), Beyond Einstein, The Universe in a Nutshell (covers a lot of stuff).


    Quarks are part of modern physics (the feel the strong force which holds the atoms together)...elementary particle physics which is kind of at war with string theory since particle physics has been able to unify all of the forces in the universe accept for gravity. String theory basically unifies quantum mechanics and the theories of relativity (this quest started to help explain black holes...very small and very dense...but neither theory could be used to explain the world of the other) String thoery "smoothes out" space/time at super small scales...which was the problem relativity had at small scales...things didn't make sense.


    There are 5 string theories and one called 11-dimensional super gravity...M-theory is believed to be the theory that all of these describe...it's kind of the unification theory of string theory. :D

  13. I have a question about the atom when it releases radiation. I know when radiation is released it is released in the form of a helium nucleus, an electron or as part of the electromagnetic spectrum. When an atom ejects an alpha or beta particle it loses or gains protons...so my question is what happens to the atom's electrons in the electron shell? I'm guessing that if a beta particle is released and a neutron is changed into a proton that there must be another electron that comes from somewhere...and the opposite for an alpha particle. Does anyone know about the electrons? Every source that I have never mentions the electrons...they just say that protons (and neutrons) are gained or lost...but nothing about electrons.

  14. Nope...this is real...one version of the Qur'an that I have states that modern science proves that the Qur'an is from their god. I have also seen many Muslims say that they converted because science proves the Qur'an to be the truth...or they use the arguement to defend their religion.

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