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Posts posted by AusieBob

  1. What is time ? A question I was asked by a science student set me thinking. Some years ago a brilliant young physicjst, Joao Magueijo

    calculated the exact time of the Big Bang but failed to get the deserved kudos for his work, due mainly, I believe to his not explaining the delay between the event and the beginning of time and light, so here I will attempt to do just that.


    First we need to look at black holes, or rather, what happens at the Schwartschild Radius. It is here that both time and light cease, but

    space continues right in to the singularity, so time can not be an element of space, therefore it must be tied somehow to light. Light ceases at that point due to the fact that matter exceeding light speed can neither emit or reflect light, not because light can,t escape the gravitational

    force of the black hole, and without light there can be no time.


    My second argument for time and light being intertwined is thus. Let us put a mirror on a planet 50 light years distant and shine a

    light beam on it. That beam will take 100 yars to return. Here I get into the theoretical and send some space craft on the same round

    trip. The first will average 50% L.S. It will take 50 years for the journey but find Earth 150 years older on it,s return. That is the 100

    years it took the light beam plus the 50 years for the trip. Our second will average light speed for it,s journey, arriving back at the moment

    the beam does. Although the travellers would not be a day older they would still have been absent from Earth for 100 years. I believe that

    at light speed and above no time would elapse for the traveller.


    It has been sugested that exceeding light speed would give us reverse time travel, but this is an impossibility as I will attempt to prove.

    The third ship will average twice light speed. Arriving back at the moment the beam reaches the mirror our still young spacemen

    would be 50 years younger than thier twins left behind. The final voyagers will average 99 times light speed, but still the light beam has

    time to go one light year into space. This can be extrapolated out to the millions and still we could never return before the beam left

    Earths atmosphere. I believe the above to prove my previous statement that time is an element of light, not space, and that we can

    alter time only by increasing our motion by a percentage light speed.


    Time = motion at the percentage of light speed travelled,, or simply,,, T = M / LS.


    Back to the beginning and Prof. Joao Magueijo. He stated that the delay between the event and the beginning of light and time was due

    to a change of light speed, and although his calculations were correct, it was gravity that caused the delay. The Big Bang took place when

    two Super massive black holes collided and thier combined gravity meant that the matter could neither emit or refect light until it had

    passed the Schwartschild radius where time and light began.


    Is this in the realm of Science or Science Fiction. I invite comment.

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