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Posts posted by madscimidwest

  1. if you want to be healthier then stop drinking, however if you want to drink then do so. hell you could get hit by a bus tomorrow anyway. alcohol has some beneficial effects, like preventing RA and thinning blood. not to mention what the health benefits of stress reduction are. im sure everyone here could site article after article arguing the benefits or detrements. but since this road ends in death anyway you might as well enjoy the ride.

  2. this is a moral question, the science has been discussed by several people. yes if you definition of abortion is killing an egg after fertilized then some birth controls do so. however there are forms of birth control that stop ovulation, so there is no fertilization. the thing to do here is follow your moral compass. if you feel this is abortion and is wrong then dont do it. use a condom or spermicide. (although that is killing sperm.lol) or use a different birth control method that you dont have a moral objection too.

  3. that depends on what you are injecting. im not trying to be nosy, but different substances require different injection sites and depths. i use vit b12 injections regularly. they are intramuscular. i inject with a 1 inch needle into my tricept muscle. but you have to be careful when injecting because you dont want to hit important things like nerve bundles. you really need to give some more info on what, or what class of substance you are injecting

  4. there are several reasons. for one medications are cheaper in mexico, the drug companies charge less down there. two, the value of the US dollar vs the peso gives you more buying power. also doctors dont charge as much, they cant because if they charged what american docs charged no one could ever afford health care. they also deal with less restriction of medical procedures, and less malpractice insurance than their american counterparts. i could go on to say probably because of safety, but i am sure there are plenty of qualified mexican doctors. even though i personally wouldnt let any of them touch me outside of an emergency.

  5. sounds like a good idea you have started here. a couple pointers though, medical research has shown that keeping blood sugar extremely stable after surgery decreases healing time. this is why post op open heart patients go on insulin iv drips even if they are not diabetic. so stay away from anything that contains large amounts of easily processed sugar. you dont want to cause sugar / insulin spikes. when working as a trainer i used to have a shake in the morning made of yogurt, celery, spinach leaves, blueberries, strawberries, and a bannana. you get most of your daily vitamins that way. you might also look into some protein shakes. or just mix pasturized liquid egg into you shake, you wont even taste it. good luck with your surgery, hope something i said was useful.


    p.s. im sure you already know, but stay away from real mre's those things are not healthy for prolonged consumption.

  6. where did this myth come from about excess energy from your alternator?

    alternators are voltage regulated they produce energy as needed, as the load increases. they dont just produce energy that gets wasted. think about it if its wasted where does it go. solar power systems that produce too much power need to have heaters to waste excess power to keep from damaging batteries and components. your vehicle isnt equipped with anything like that i promise. if you really want to figure out some way to make your car get better milage then learn some science and math. then maybe your not just shooting in the dark.

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