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Posts posted by caledonia

  1. Gauss periods, used to solve the heptadecagon, are defined in such a way that each level can be determined from the one above.  For example Gauss periods of length 4 determined from those of length 8.

    Can anyone suggest how Gauss came to this conclusion.  Or offer a proof ?


  2. I like to imagine two masses A and B, far enough from all other bodies that the gravitational attraction of the latter is negligible.


    Newton gives us a formula for calculating the attractive force between A and B. Is the formula exact, even for very large / small masses, and for a very large / small distance between A and B ?


    OR, does GR kick in and predict discrepancies even in this simplest of scenarios ?



  3. If thou wouldst follow Newton in his Book 1, Section 3, Proposition XI and deduce the inverse square law from Kepler's observations of elliptical planetary orbits, first know thy Conics.

    In particular, the proof uses these properties of the ellipse :

    1. The sum of the lines joining the foci to any point on the ellipse is constant

    2. The lines joining the foci to a point on the ellipse make equal angles with the tangent there

    3. The area of the parallelogram formed by the tangents at the ends of any diameter is constant

    4 . The 'symptom' of the ellipse viz. for any diameter, the ratio of the square of an ordinate to the product of the abscissae is constant


    Newton and his contemporary mathematicians were well versed in Apollonius where these and many other properties of the Conics are proved. But Apollonius is long and difficult : fortunately we have shorter methods :

    Dandelin spheres easily prove 1.

    It is easy to deduce 2 from 1.

    Archimedes proved in Proposition 9 of his "Spheroids and Conoids" that we may regard the ellipse as a slant section of a right cylinder rather than a cone. Then for any diameter, the orthogonal projection of the parallelogram in 3 is a square describing the circular 'base'. All such squares are of course equal in area.

    Again using the cylindrical definition of the ellipse, the abscissae / ordinate in 4 are projected onto a diameter and perpendicular ordinate of the circle. It is easy to prove the constancy of the ratio of (the square of) an ordinate and (the product of) its abscissae for the circle.


    Now goest thou and follow Newton . . .


  4. I too am still using Windows XP. I tried Windows 10 on my PC and could not find any advantages - but plenty of pain!


    It may be a swell operating system for touch-screen tablets and smart phones.


    Why are you finding XP "increasingly difficult to use" ? If you are forced to switch for some tasks, I suggest that you keep your XP computer operational and have a new Windows 10 device running alongside.

  5. When we are stationary relative to each other, I see a (very) distant beacon flashing once per second.

    Is it correct please that if I move towards this source at high speed (say 1/2c) I perceive the flashes to be faster ; and that this a consequence of both TD and RD ?

    Conversely, moving away the beacon appears to slow down ?


    I would like then to envisage a scenario (gedankexperiment) where TD only comes into play - if this is possible ?


    Thank you

  6. Bad spacing in above post, better now with monospaced font :


    I think I have a direct arithmetical proof :

    To take a numerical example : to prove that 1.2.3...30 divides any 'block' of 30 bigger numbers e.g. 53.54.55...82. We think of 'cancelling' primes from 'top and bottom'. Consider the occurence of the prime 3 in the bottom - here is the distribution :

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
    1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 14 altogether

    and for the top :

    53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
    3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 17 altogether

    The highest power of 3 present in the bottom is 3, viz 3 cubed = 27 occuring once. There must be at least one multiple of 27 in top (in fact there are two), so we can divide it by 27 and cancel 27 from the bottom. Next, there remain 2 occurences of 3 squared among the bottom numbers, at 9 and 18. Similarily there must be multiples of these numbers on the top - we see them at 63 and 72. Divide 63 and 72 by 9 and 18 to cancel these 3s. Continuing in this way with remaining single powers of 3, we can cancel them all from the bottom (three will be left on top).

    The position and number of other primes present in the bottom are unaffected so far. Hence we can pick any other prime and repeat the process. Eventually all numbers will be gone from the bottom ! QED

  7. I think I have a direct arithmetical proof :

    To take a numerical example : to prove that 1.2.3...30 divides any 'block' of 30 bigger numbers e.g. 53.54.55...82. We think of 'cancelling' primes from 'top and bottom'. Consider the occurence of the prime 3 in the bottom - here is the distribution :

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
    1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 14 altogether

    and for the top :

    53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
    3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 17 altogether

    The highest power of 3 present in the bottom is 3, viz 3 cubed = 27 occuring once. There must be at least one multiple of 27 in top (in fact there are two), so we can divide it by 27 and cancel 27 from the bottom. Next, there remain 2 occurences of 3 squared among the bottom numbers, at 9 and 18. Similarily there must be multiples of these numbers on the top - we see them at 63 and 72. Divide 63 and 72 by 9 and 18 to cancel these 3s. Continuing in this way with remaining single powers of 3, we can cancel them all from the bottom (three will be left on top).

    The position and number of other primes present in the bottom are unaffected so far. Hence we can pick any other prime and repeat the process. Eventually all numbers will be gone from the bottom ! QED

  8. It's more complicated than that. Certainly r divides one of n, n-1, n-2,... But it is not true that r-1, r-2 etc. divide different members of n, ,n-1, n-2,... Each of the prime constituents of a member of r-1, r-2 etc. cancels with prime components of multiple members of n-1, n-2,... Moreover, prime factors belonging to different members of r-1, r-2 etc. may need to cancel prime components of a single member of n-1, n-2,...

    So it is not a 1-1 mapping, rather a many-to-many.

    If my exposition is unclear, I will follow up with a numerical example.

  9. Q1. How does the respiratory area (total alveolae) compare with the total leaf area of a large, say oak, tree ?


    Q2. How does my rate of consumption of oxygen compare with the rate of production by the said tree?

  10. I have seen asserted that for polynomials f and h, f divides h implies that fbar divides hbar, where "bar" indicates reduction modulo p, a prime number say.


    But when I test this with sample polynomials, it does not seem to be true. For example modulo 3 and f = 2x + 1, h = 6x2 + 7x + 2, then fbar = 2x + 1, hbar = x + 2.

    What is wrong here please ?


  11. My spaceship is receding from a distant planet where there is a clock. I am looking back at this clock through my trusty telescope.

    As my speed relative to the planet approaches c, does the clock appear to stop (or just slow down) ?

    Thank you.


    PS I believe Einstein pondered this problem when in a tramcar moving away from the clock tower in Berne.

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