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Posts posted by bonedog

  1. Well, if you just want to plant seeds and move them to soil once they've sprouted, then the key thing is moisture and most plain agar plates should work fine so long as they are moist. (but then again, so will a moist paper towel) If, however, you want to regenerate whole plants from plant parts, or you want to do long-term plant tissue culture then you're going to need several other micro and macronutrients, and my advice to you at that point would be to buy it prepared from a science supplier because that will probably work out cheaper for you than having to buy every individual component. Unlike bacteria, as YT alluded to, plants are rather finicky critters in a cultured environment. Bacteria and fungi will grow pretty much on anything, plants will not.




    hello all... im a newbie.. got a question. I have access to agar.R2a, and tsa,tsb and occasionally we throw out the expired media or give it to the local schools around here. I have lots of it at home. My curiosity is I would like to take some cuttings off pepper plants, tomato plants,etc and just stick them in straight tsa/tsb. Would the tryptic soy broth be a favorable environment to root those cuttings? also have liquid tsb in tubes.


    also, would plant cuttings need to be "incubated"? I find this very fascinating and would love to hear any and all input anyone has on this subject. I apologize if this is in the wrong forum. thanx! bone

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