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Posts posted by Herron

  1. Hello,


    I'm a student entering university soon and have a, frankly, rudimentary understanding of the intricacies genetic engineering of plants. Thus, I have a few questions regarding it.


    1. This is probably the simplest of my questions; when injecting foreign DNA into plant cells, does it necessarily matter where you place the new gene into the plant's genome as long as the necessary "trigger" sequences are in the gene (that is, the sequences that tells the plant to produce the certain encoded enzyme)?


    2. What generally dictates/limits how much of a certain compound is produced by an enzyme (other than availability of raw reactants) with regards to genetic sequences. Would it do any good to insert the same gene for a certain enzyme multiple times to increase the prevalence of a compound?


    3. How does one "tell" restriction enzymes where to cut? I know that there is a 'header' sequence telling the enzyme where to cut, but how does one put that particular sequence in the restriction enzyme? And how many 'nucleotides' should one put in the 'header' sequence? Is it possible that the restriction enzyme cuts at the wrong spot/multiple spots?




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