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Rev Blair

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About Rev Blair

  • Birthday October 6

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  • Location
    Winnipeg, Canada
  • Interests
    politics, photography, carpentry
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation
    freelance writer


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  1. It's Uncle Duke from Doonesbury. Duke was based on Thompson...the name comes from Raoul Duke, Thompson's alter ego who Thompson used to claim ran the sports desk at Rolling Stone.


    Thompson hated the Duke character, he felt he was being mocked by it. He was too, but for somebody who spent so much time mocking others (not to mention himself) I feel it's fitting.


    I'm a huge Hunter S. fan. His writing, even the later stuff, remains some of the best in American literature, but his real legacy is getting the disengaged engaged again...if only for a short time.


    Also, he was one of the funniest writers of his day.


    So the picture is kind of Thompson.

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