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Posts posted by HisDisciple

  1. Life has to many uncertainties to live for yourself, I feel like following the teachings of Jesus Christ is not as bad as people put it out to be. Even if you do not believe Jesus was the Son of the Creator, He still had the right idea concerning humanity and was way ahead of His time period.




    I'm a Christian because it gives me purpose, hope, love, Faith, and the patience. None of which I ever had before I found Jesus.




    Suicide rates among atheists is almost twice as high as proclaimed "Christians."



  2. I'm NOT saying things can't evolve, but I am saying that there is no way that I was created by bubbles. Which is what all science teachers have taught me. I respect everyones opinion, but I feel like as a human, Christianity has given me hope. Hope is not something that just happened.


    Also, to the dumb comment. Why must you bag on my beliefs? I never said that atheists were dumb, in fact some of the most intelligent people I have met are atheists, same goes for Christians. Don't judge a group a single individual.





    I'll pray for all of your salvation,


    God Bless!

  3. All of you make valuable argument, it's a safe assumption that all of you atheist have not taken time to study the Bible and it's contents will full attention.


    Most of you have based your opinions on what you see on TV, read in books, and hear from others. But it is in my full, undivided Faith that the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit is not just another story handed down by old people, but it is in fact the truth.


    I know all of you can find some bit of evidence that God does not exist, it's all a lie and other stuff like that. But it's none to conclude that it is, in its entirety, false. I know you would find contradictions in the Bible, but if you think about it, they only happen between the Old Testament and New Testament. Which is the time when Jesus Christ was born, died for our sins, and resurrected. With his death, we were all forgiven.


    To whole the Earth being 6000 years old, now where did it say the exact age of the Earth? Nowhere! Scientist just make an assumption that a day for God, the creator was a regular Earth day. But it specifically says in the Bible that day is light, and night is darkness. So you can't base it on the human 24 our day. Because, the Creator lives in Heaven, not Ohio. So if you plug a billion years, for one day in the creation of Earth. The numbers become the same.


    Some people view the Bible as a big game of telephone, but it's far from that. The first re-written Bible was copied word for word, and from every Bible there on, each Bible has been translated word by word. There is proof of that!


    The Bible talks about the uses of blood, almost 2000 years BEFORE Scientist knew what blood was used for.


    Scientist also interpret the Bible as literal, going along with the whole creation thing, so when it says something like "You are the vine." Scientist can say, "We aren't really vines, so this is wrong!" It is assumed because they are the smartest people in the world, they are right.


    The Bible talks about King Nebuchadnezzar, who at the time was king. But historians have proved that there was another king at that exact period in time. BUT WAIT, historians have RECENTLY found artifacts that said that King Nebuchadnezzar was appointed King at the time, and exiled the Jews.


    Wait there is more! Evolution is widely excepted by humanity today. But Evolution is about as random of a guess as anything in Science. Evolution is based of mutation and adapting to the environment. The as viewed by modern Science, mutated cells almost never carry on to offspring. Another LAW of science is that given enough time and energy, organisms will deteriorate. Which contradicts the theory of Evolution.


    The possibility of the universe be created by one particle is about a 0:0 chance. That would be like an exploding printing press creating a dictionary with no mistakes of any kind. Ruling out the God particle.


    Christianity, not "Catholicism" or any other religion that follows the Bible, is the only religion that tells you to disprove the teachings.


    Would the world be that bad if:


    Thou shalt have none other gods before me.


    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image


    Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain


    Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.


    Honour thy father and thy mother


    Thou shalt not kill.


    Thou shalt not commit adultery.


    Thou shalt not steal.


    Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.


    Thou shalt not covet





    I mean, really? If we followed these rules exactly, this would be a perfect world.





    I am a devoted Christian, a loving person, and an understanding person. Never once did I attack your beliefs, your personality, looks, whatever. Want to know why? The Bible taught me so. Because never once does it say to hate people, insult others, have many conflicts, other mumbo jumbo like that. Don't get me wrong, I do slip up, I am only human. Now, if you ask any of my friends; gay, straight, white, black, asian, hispanic, middle eastern, fat, thin, tall, short, athiest, Catholic, Jewish, Baptist, anyone, that I am a LOVING and KIND person because of my faith in the Lord.


    Just because you don't have complete control over life itself, doesn't mean you have to be first to put down beliefs just because you don't understand them.





    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16


    I don't know about you, but I have lived a life full of no regrets, and if that verse is true, and I believe 100% it is, Woooo hoooo! Heaven, here I come!








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