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Posts posted by robotsyntex

  1. basically people may not understand. science have limitations and most scientists call it nature. but in real it is creation and system of Allah (GOD) which science cant explain without including religion in science.


    some more proves.


    every one has its own point of view.




  2. hi guys

    i got a question.

    most of times we see the source but that light cant be used to see things. i want to know why.

    for example we see star but we cant read book in that light but we can read book in sunlight. why/?

    light moves in form of electromagnetic waves and their energy is not consumed.

    please also give me more details related to above question

  3. No, it's not true. You yourself roughly tried to say "there haven't been any discoveries in science about soul." So you really told yourself that you're wrong; we don't know anything definite or real about "soul". Accidental liars paradox, eh?


    For all I know, "soul" is an imaginary concept made-up by the cult which all religion may be.



    Because creative people such as me get together and make them. Thank you very much. ;)



    basically i was supporting soul with respect to religion.


    "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein

    and i really believe this. :)


  4. @


    imatfaal user_popup.png

    first one should decide on which side he is. religion or science. there is no intermediate way.

    1: YET WE HAVENT REACHED that LEVEL of tec n science which can give us details about soul. yes indeed heart a beautiful machinery but there is always some fuel to run machinery and soul is that fuel. which never consumes. it seems something fishy but it is true.

    science basically denies concept of soul and god.



    ii. god is a supernatural being if she exists. this basically means that is it out of sciences realm. we cannot test, experiment upon, or prove the existence of god - and not many people try. god is part of the world of faith not the world of science and there is precious little intersection between the two

    basically god is not somethings u want to test on :D. u want to test and to become or create new god. :/


    why is anyone anywhere? that is the major philosophical question of humanity - many answer it by reverting to religion, many eschew any answers and merely state that I am here and move on from there. the purpose of human existence is not a question that I think will or can ever be answered. if you prefer to seek an answer in religion, then fine, but my course of action would be to maximise the utility of being here rather than concentrating on the why


    yes indeed science can't answer this. and again i have to say because it denies concept of god.



    basically u may have notice that science cant answer many things but religion can.

    so my question is why science reject concept of god.


    and yes one thing.

    i dont want to break rules of forum but to give logic for my answer.


    "…We have not neglected anything in this Book…" (6:38) QURAN "book of Muslims"





    i don't want to give a long reference but i think it is enough. above verse means that knowledge of creation of earth is in book.

    it is also proved by science.

    There are 4 naturally occuring isotopes of iron. 54,56,57,58. the isotopes of iron 57 is the most abundant on earth. the 57th Surah (topic) of quran is named after iron. in this surah (topic) word iron has appeared at 25th verse (26th with bismillah which is part of surah) so we can say it is at 26th. and 26 is the ATOMIC NUMBER, number of protons of iron. surah it self contain 30 verses. and number of neutrons of iron is also 30.

    there are millions of things like this. just 1 as reference.


    so actually i cant figure that when science is proving authenticity of book then why it is rejecting concept of God. ? :/

  5. i got a question.

    how does science explain soul and GOD?

    why heart keeps on pumping for several years and most certainly to stop working at 60 :/

    why i am here? who i am? i didnt asked any one to create me?

    why i have interest in games? why i like computer?

    what is inspiration?

    please answer my questions

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