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Posts posted by browndn

  1. yes, 2 things:


    1) UTFSE!

    2) .8 + .8 = 1.6 Not 1.8!


    if i were to use the search engine, then what hell is this site for if anyone can search their question on google? please dont reply if you cant answer please. u seem to be a regular member to this site so please act mature.

  2. Hypotherical Q: Lets say a spaceship A was travelling at .8c (C=speed of light) and space ship B was travelling at .8C too but in the opposite direction. So from the frame of reference A, doesn't it look like spaceship B is travelling at 1.6C? am i missing something here?


    EDIT: it was just a typo to type 1.8C. and why would it look like it is .9somethingc?

  3. such as a photon, why do they travel in a wave because is a straight line the shortest between point A to B. i know its the waves that gives them properties (like its the wavelenth that differs a xray from a gammaray) but i still dont get why they have to travel in waves?

  4. Why does time slow down as you approach C [speed of light]? i kinda get the time slowing at a place of gravity [due to the curvature of spacetime right?] my knowledge might sound naive.



    EDIT: SORRY!!! didnt kno there was already a post on this!

  5. i read an article on bbc where they said scientists froze a photon for about 10-20 microseconds. Doesn't this contradict einstein's theory that photon has no mas because if you are able to stop a photon, then it should have some type of rest mass and if it has rest mass, then it can't possibly achieve the "speed of light". Please correct me if i am wrong. And also, if light can be slowed down to a speed of bullet, then how can you call light a constant and how can we rely on light to tell us distances in space since it can slowed down drastically.Sorry if it's a bit long.



    Article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3308109.stm


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