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Posts posted by Seanattikus

  1. I do still have a lot to learn about these things, and that's why I'm asking you. I now know a bit more about electrolysis and I'm going to be studying it all night now that I realize how little I do know. I don't see, though, why I shouldn't be trying to make thermite. I know how to deal with hot things, you just have to make sure to not get close to them. Once I've made the stuff I plan on rigging some way to light it from a distance. Also, I know I could just scrape it off something but I'd rather use electrolysis and learn about it then get a sore arm.

  2. how am I supposed to get around that? use iron wire?? the blue stuff formed around the screw, does that suggest that the screw might have copper in it?


    I just looked at it more closely, you're absolutely right. The copper wire that wasn't bubbling as much is gone and the flow of energy has, therefore, ceased. So it was that wire that made all the blue stuff (Copper Oxide?). I'll just have to get different wire I guess.

  3. I'm trying to get some rust for making thermite through electrolysis. I've got it set up and working with a screw on the bubbly wire and some stuff is building up at the bottom of the jar and on the screw. The only problem is that it's not red or orange like I expected; it's light blue! Does anyone know what this could be? I'd appreciate any information you have on this. Maybe I've got the wrong wire or my screw isn't iron. Also, is this stuff safe to handle? Thanks for your help, Sean

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