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sanjay kingrani

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Posts posted by sanjay kingrani

  1. I have an almost perfect theory but......


    Which is which; 0^0 = 0 or 0^0 = 1 or 0^0 = ∞


    factor in your answer/idea with a proof if any.


    Dear 0^0 is not equal to all of three...but it is undefined I can proove it for you...

    lets have a look over it...


    for example we take 2^0


    so 2^0 =1 i think u will agree over it...but how??

    see here


    2^0 can be written as 2^(1)*2^(-1)...........m I right??


    If yes then 2^(-1)=1/(2^1)


    so 2^1/2^1=1 its proved...


    So in similar way...........:)


    we can write 0^0= 0^(1)*0^(-1)


    and again 0^(-1)=1/(0^1)


    so in this way 0^0 =0^1/0^1 =0/0 =undefined....not 0 ,1 and




    Sanjay Kumar Kingrani

    B.E (batch 08), Sukkur IBA

    facebook: sanjay kumar kingrani


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